Essential Baby Equipment to make mum sane and baby safe – Safety 1st Wanderer Stroller + Giveaway


While putting this post together, I had a trip down memory lane. I was scrolling through pictures of when we first brought Phoebe home from hospital. I look at her now and can’t believe that 8 months have passed since her birth.

Placing Phoebe into the capsule

Placing Phoebe into capsule

As a result of the change in our family’s life in the last year or so, I am doing a series of posts on essential baby equipment to make mum sane and baby safe.

A month before I had Phoebe, I was invited to the Pregnancy, Babies and Kids Expo by Dorel Australia. Dorel were so generous to me, they gifted me with a Safety 1st complete travel system. The travel system included the One Safe Infant Carrier and the Wanderer 3 Wheel Stroller.

Safety 1st Travel System
Safety 1st Travel System

I can honestly say it is one of the BEST travelling systems I have used. With Magdalene I used a Safe and Sound Unity Capsule with a Baby Jogger Elite pram and the bracket mechanism exasperated me because I could never get the capsule to sit right and poor Maggie would lie lopsided on the pram. It was 6 months of pram frustration.

The Safety 1st travel system was no worries to put together. The capsule clicked into place with the Wanderer. Best of all, the bracket is included in the pram price.

In terms of width, the Safety 1st One Safe Infant Carrier is one of the more narrow capsules on the market which makes it a great capsule if you are trying to fit 3 car seats across the back of the car like we had to. The only negative part about the capsule which actually turned out to be my error, was the tether strap. When not in use in the car, the tether strap would dangle over Phoebe’s head and lay on her tummy. I found out that it could be hooked at the back of the capsule when the sun canopy was off the capsule. We used the sun canopy all the time, so I would tuck the tether strap behind the cushioning of the seat to avoid having to take the canopy off and on. As per the manual it states to always hook the tether strap around the back of the capsule.

Phoebe in capsule

Dorel Capsule

The Wanderer stroller is easy to use and has great features that make it a great pram for mums on the go. The capsule adaptors and accessories like the boot cover and rain cover are included with the stroller unlike other prams on the market where you have to purchase these separately. What won me over with this pram is it’s ability to have the seat changed from forward facing to rear facing. The seat is easy to click into place. When the seat is facing forward, the whole pram can be collapsed in one piece which means it’s great for travelling on planes or trying to fit into a small boot space of a car.

folded pram

The canopy is extendable and has a mesh insert to allow air in for good ventilation. The basket underneath is a great size and has an enclosed zip section which is great for storing food or personal items.

Safety 1st Pram


Underneath Basket


Phoebe in pram

Safety 1st 3 Wheeler Pram

The stroller doesn’t allow for a second seat for a sibling so it’s best suited for families with one child or a baby with older siblings that don’t require to sit in a pram.

The Wanderer has been a great pram for us at church. I’ve used it on many interstate trips where Phoebe is the only child traveling with us.

This was 1 week after birth. I look exhausted!
This was 1 week after birth. I look exhausted!
Using the Saftey 1st Wanderer Stroller
Using the Saftey 1st Wanderer Stroller
Using the stroller last weekend in Sydney
Using the stroller last weekend in Sydney

Phoebe has just been taken out of the capsule into a forward facing seat at 8 months. Despite the capsule saying it can be used up to 6 months, Phoebe was able to use it for much longer and she is longer on the scale average.

Phoebe face

To check out all the features of the Safety 1st travel system, head here.

Now the fun part.

Dorel has partnered with The Plumbette to give one of my readers a chance to win 1 item each week from the Safety 1st Range. Today, the giveaway is for the Wanderer 3 Wheel Stroller. The subsequent weeks will include a giveaway for a portacot, high chair and car seat.

To be in the running, you just need to enter via Rafflecopter. You MUST like The Plumbette and Safety 1st on Facebook and answer this question in the comments below: Which far away or exotic location would you travel to with this stroller and why?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I was gifted a One Safe Infant Carrier and Wanderer 3 Wheel Stroller. All opinions are my own. This post has been written in accordance with my disclosure policy.

Terms and Conditions

1.This is a game of skill. Each valid entry to be judged on creativity and originality, not by chance.

2. There is one prize: 1 Safety 1st Wanderer Stroller worth $499.

3. Entries open from 12am Brisbane time Friday 20th March 2015 to Wednesday 1st April 2015 12am Brisbane Time.

4.Prize is not transferable or changeable

5. Prize sent out by Dorel will not be replaced in the event it is stolen, lost or damaged in transit or virtually.

6.Entry is via leaving a comment or sending an email to answer the question.

7. A valid email address must be included in your entry.

8.Entry into any giveaway or competition is deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions

9.Entrants must be Australian residents and aged 18 or over

10. The winner will be notified by email and has 3 days to reply and claim the prize. The winner will also be announced on Facebook. This giveaway is not endorsed by Facebook.

11. The decision on the winner is final and no dialogue will be entered into otherwise.

12. These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without notice.