World Toilet Day


Today is my mum’s birthday. She shares her special day with World Toilet Day. Happy Birthday Mum and Happy World Toilet Day!

This is a toilet shaped into art or art shaped into a toilet. It was on display at the Musee d'orsay in Paris.
This is a toilet shaped into art or art shaped into a toilet. It was on display at the Musee d’orsay in Paris.

Did you know that 2.6 BILLION people in the world today don’t have access to a toilet? The majority of these people are in the third world. World Toilet Organisation decided to create a day where functions around the world could be held simultaneously on the same day to raise awareness and funds to provide toilets in communities where there is no sanitation.

This is a wall of old toilets that is meant to be art in China. It's been dubbed the "Great Wall of China"
This is a wall of old toilets that is meant to be art in China. It’s been dubbed the “Great Wall of China”

 It’s hard to believe that people don’t have access to a basic need – a toilet. But toilets and sewerage systems are things we take for granted in the First World. We complain about getting a cold because we caught the germs from someone else (usually from someone within the family). People in the third world get very sick or die because they drink and wash in the same water they rid their own waste or the waste from others that has contaminated the water from upstream. We sometimes forget how blessed we are to have our basic needs met here in Australia.

So today when you go to the loo, be thankful that you can sit down to do your business in private. If you want to help provide some dignity to the 2.6 billion without a toilet, you can donate funds to help the cause.

I’m linking up with Essentially Jess for #IBOT.