A Sweet Nursery


When we finished Phoebe’s nursery I had good intentions of sharing the photos with you but life has been busy and it’s been one of those posts that have sat in the back of my mind. Until now.

All three of our girls have slept in the nursery or the room that has been configured to be a nursery. When it came time for Phoebe to sleep in the room, I wanted to give it a bit of a make-over. Each of our girls have their own room, so Phoebe will stay in the nursery as she grows up. I wanted a sweet nursery so chose a sugary theme as I knew it would be a room she could grow to love as she gets older.

We decided to paint a grey feature wall. Magdalene has the same coloured wall in her room. I will share her room in the future too. The paint is British Paints and the colour was Silver Treasure. Quite fitting for our girls I think.

Essentially I didn’t want to have to buy new cot linen because I already had linen and the cot is only used for such a short amount of time. It would be a waste to buy more. Instead I opted to buy cushions and a baby blanket from Coco and Cru. The raspberry cross blanket will make a great throw on Phoebe’s bed when she’s older.

cot in nursery

I sourced the cushions from Baby Donkie. The vintage square cushion was bought from a handmade market. The cushions don’t sit in the cot. They are put away in the bookshelf, but these will be part of the décor on Phoebe’s big girl bed.

Cushions for cot

The ice cream and ice block prints came from Toucan online and the YOU ARE SO LOVED print is from Little Me Little You.

We bought the chest of drawers from Ikea when I was pregnant with Esther. They’ve stayed in the same spot since Esther was born. We bought the Ikea Expedit bookcase when we moved Magdalene to her big girl bed and room. The toys are items I’ve collected for Phoebe and we gave them to her for Christmas. The ice block tray and ice cream parfait wooded toys were bought off Ebay. The lamp was given to me by my brother who works in a lighting store. You can read more about my shelf style on Middle Aged Mama.

Phoebe's room


Phoebe's nursery 2

Top Shelf nursery

Left shelf of nursery

The donut decal stickers are my favourite part of the room. They are a fabric decal sticker and are by Jimmy Cricket. I got them from Baby Donkie.

Phoebe's nursery 3

Some tips when designing a nursery

  • Stick to a simple colour palette. Add colour in the form of bed linen, toys and décor pieces.
  • Buying décor items for the nursery can be expensive. Use Christmas and Birthdays to buy pieces for the room.
  • Follow interior designers on Instagram for inspiration. My favourite children’s interior designer is Petite Vintage Interiors.
  • Wait for sales when purchasing décor pieces. Some online stores allow you to create a wish list. Sign up to the online shop’s newsletter and pounce when they have a store sale. Every item in Phoebe’s room had some sort of sale attached to it.
  • Don’t forget Ebay if you’re looking for sweet vintage wooden toys.
  • Decorate in a way that can grow with your child. This not only saves money, but allows your baby to feel comfortable in a space they’ve grown to accept and love as their own.
  • Block out curtains are a must. Spotlight has a great range.
  • Work out ways you can use items that you already have – for example the cot linen.
  • Use a chest of drawers to double up as a change table.

I’m happy with how Phoebe’s room has turned out and it’s the most relaxing room to walk in because it’s always neat and tidy. I’m not sure how long that will last, now that Phoebe is on the move.

Phoebe's nursery1jpg

When was the last time you decorated a room? Do your kids have their own room and how did you decorate them?

I’m linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT.