The Block Master Bathroom Reveals Recap

The Block Master Bathroom 2015

I love bathroom reveals on The Block. To be honest, I love all the reveals on The Block, but I love seeing bathrooms because there are so many decisions involved when it comes to choosing the materials and fixtures. Last night, I enjoyed seeing the incorporation of colour in each of the bathrooms in some shape or form. We’ve seen a lot of black, white and grey bathrooms with timber features in past reveals and while they have looked amazing, sometimes I felt like we’d seen it all before. Last night was different and I was impressed with what each of the couples were able to achieve in their week.

The first couple to get judged was Kingi and Caro with their featured graffiti bath. It definitely made a statement and added wow factor to the bathroom. I’ve never seen a bath like it, and I didn’t mind it. When you make a bold choice for the bath, that style needs to be incorporated throughout the apartment, so I’m very interested to see how Kingi and Caro do that. The bathroom was neutral and it needed to be to allow the feature bath to stand out. Simple, rectangular shaped, chrome tapware worked well with the square lines in the bathroom. There was a lot of storage in this bathroom which got big ticks from Shaynna. I also loved the edging around the vanity basins which allowed for products to be rested on the vanity as most overmount vanity basins have at thin edge.

The Block Kingi and Caro Master Bathroom
Kingi and Caro Master Bathroom


The Block Kingi and Caro Master Bathroom Vanity
Kingi and Caro Master Bathroom: Bath, Toilet and Vanity Basins View

This next bathroom was by Whitney and Andy. They chose as simple grey and blonde timber look for their bathroom, which I felt I’d seen before. I think they spaced the bathroom well and allowed for ample storage with the double vanity unit. I wasn’t sure what to expect from them this week as last week their bedroom was a bit of a disaster.

The Block Whitney and Andy
Whitney and Andy Master Bathroom


The Block Whitney and Andy Master bathroom
Whitney and Andy Master Bathroom, Toilet View

Suzi and Vonni come across as friendly, hard-working ladies, despite the advertising of their blossoming body shape. I admire the girls for getting in and giving The Block a go. They’re willing to listen and get advice, but they’re not afraid to get in and get stuff done. I loved their tiled feature wall. It does remind me of the Gold Coast. The black tapware works well with the bathroom and I like the way the feature bath is on an angle. I wasn’t a fan of the ‘barcode’ LED lighting, or the pendant lights, but overall I think their bathroom was visually pleasing and I wouldn’t mind using it.

Suzi and Vonni Master Bathroom The Block
Suzi and Vonni Master Bathroom


The Block Suzi and Vonni
Suzi and Vonni Shower and Toilet

Luke and Ebony were able to finish their bathroom on time and opted to sleep through the tools down buzzer. Unfortunately they got not so great feedback for their bathroom. My favourite features were the navy blue tile feature wall, the black feature bath and the black taps. The judges didn’t like the mixing of the tapware – black tapware for the vanity basins and chrome for the bath. There was a mix of angles too – gooseneck for the bath spout and straight edges for the vanity basins. I thought the shower and toilet felt too cramped with the half dividing wall.

The Block Luke and Ebony Master Bathroom
Luke and Ebony Master Bathroom


The Block Luke and Ebony Master Bathroom
Luke and Ebony Toilet and Shower View

This is what a $40,000 bathroom looks like. I could definitely see myself lounging in this bathroom. I loved all the choices and I even liked the pendant lights even though the judges didn’t. Where did the $40,000 go? A fair bit would have been spent on the herringbone tiling, the black and brass tapware and the underfloor heating and window covering. I liked the way colour was introduced into the bathroom through the use of the Aura bath towels.

Dean and Shay ended up winning this week’s challenge, which I think they needed after spending a fair bit on this bathroom. I’m looking forward to see how they do their next rooms.

The Block Dean and Shay master bathroom
Dean and Shay Master Bathroom


The Block Dean and Shay Master Bathroom
Dean and Shay Master Bathroom Vanity View

Did you watch The Block last night? Who is your favourite couple? Which bathroom do you like the best?