Exciting news for the Plumbette


My blog posts have been sporadic of late due to being sick and really having very little motivation to do anything. I don’t know whether it’s my body telling me to rest and not overdo it or the extra hormones that are in my body since I’m pregnant! I didn’t know how to announce my second pregnancy on my blog – but so that you all know Bubba number two for me is due at the end of February 2013. Some of you may have you been able to tell from my blog posts due to recently complaining about being constantly sick and changing the basin traps in my house due to ‘dead drain’ smells.


Being a pregnant plumber is not fun. My sense of smell has increased so much I can now smell silent and ‘odourless’ farts. I always thought they didn’t smell but I can assure you, you’re wrong! So when it comes to plumbing, smelling toilets and sewer drains make me want to puke. Thank goodness I work near toilets!


My poor dad has had to hold a bowl for me in the truck while driving to a job so I could spew up my breakfast. We had a few looks from other drivers when my dad opened the door and hurled what was my breakfast on the side of the road.


I’m particularly careful about using primers and glues when connecting PVC pipes. I am also anal in washing my hands whenever I touch something unhygienic from a toilet or urinal. Anything really nasty, my dad does for me.


He recently went to a job by himself to disconnect a sink pump. Because there was no backflow valve to the pump out line, whatever was sitting in the pipes came running back out into the kitchen when the pump was disconnected. The smell was so bad, the receptionist asked my dad what the smell was and what could be done to get rid of it. A few cans of air freshener were used that day and I am so glad I wasn’t there to smell it. The waste from pumps is one of the worst plumbing smells you can come across.


At present, my baby is healthy and all my scans have gone well. Naturally my husband and I are thrilled with the soon-to-be new addition to our family. It’s going to be an exciting next 6 months as we await the arrival of our baby and I can’t wait to see what the future holds!