Saturday, February 15, 2025
Home Life Lessons

Life Lessons

lessons we learn in like

Here are 5 ways to be grateful for your home just as it is. It's tempting to want bigger and better but is that what you really need? Our shelter is often one of the things we take for granted. Having...
It’s been a while since I’ve written personal posts on this blog and it’s been for good reason. I’ve changed the content somewhat away from my life and more around trends and technical aspects of plumbing and renovation. There have...
Writing down goals and checking off a to-do list was my vision board equivalent over the years. It wasn’t until I met my friend Lauren, that I began to take a vision board seriously. She inspired me to create a...
As we count down to the new year, I'm sharing the best toilet paper memes of 2020.  If there was one thing we all survived this year, it was the toilet paper crisis of 2020. While we can laugh about the...
Here are 5 Lessons from the Christmas story we can apply to the New Year. 2020 has been tough for so many, but reflection always brings hope into a new season.  I often look forward to Christmas Eve just as...
I haven’t been able to share any personal posts for a while because it’s been hard to put into words how I’ve felt during this year. My experience will be different to yours and yours will be different to others....
In times of crisis, who do you follow? Whose voice are you drawn to when there is panic? When there is fear? When everything feels so heavy and hopeless? I remember feeling all those feelings at once a few years ago. It...
The sewer of defeat is easy to jump into when life turns to crap. Let’s be honest, it really has been a horrifying and scary time to live in. And with it piggy backing off domestic violence horrors, floods, bushfires...
Most people are now working from home with kids during coronavirus and have set up a home office of some sort. I’ve worked from home for many years, and most of the time it’s been with kids at home. If...
What do you do when work is s-l-o-w? Outside forces and new changes can impact the flow of work for your business. Here are some tips to keep active and positive when work is not as easy to come...
If you read the title of my post and thought I was going to share the profits and losses of financial investments last year… sorry to disappoint you. It’s actually a reflection post. It’s a post sharing how I...
all good things

All Good Things

2019 is certainly turning into a year to remember with all good things coming into place. It certainly hasn’t been easy street. There is the uncertainty with my eye which still is a concern but my last appointment showed no...
The opportunity to be filmed whether for TV or video is exciting. But when film day comes around, I question why I said yes in the first place. I converse and rehearse in my head possible answers to the questions...
If you want to assist young men in need, I'm sharing about Brisbane Youth Service. Men's toiletries donated to BYS will help these young men in an immediate and practical way. Back in May, I attended the second Kids Business...
We’re living in times where our decisions and standards are often influenced by others. You only have to look on social media to see this played out. There are so many voices with a standard and moral that won’t...
Earlier this year, you may remember I wrote about a school in Kenya that was in desperate need of a rainwater tank. The rainwater tank was to help the village by supplying fresh drinking water to the kids and...
Yesterday was a good day. It was a day off from my work shifts after working 5 shifts straight since Saturday. It was a day to get the girls flu injections which has been on my list to get done since...
What can be built with three nails and a hammer? Not very much, my mind replies. But that was all that was needed to kill an innocent man. Three nails, a hammer and a cross. Small things can impact one person's life greatly. Small...
Since my last appointment with my neurosurgeon, I’ve been asked by various friends, what the latest development is and how I’ve been feeling about it all? To be honest, I’ve felt guilty in admitting I haven’t really thought too much...
Like most people, I will usually create some intentions or a list of things I want to invest in for the year ahead. You can read some of those intentions for 2019 that I shared back in January. So far...
Clean drinking water is something we all take for granted here in Australia. With one flick of a tap, we can fill a glass, take a gulp of water and have no fear of dying from a disease. While the...
I love the promise of a New Year. In fact, seeing a New Year in, another Easter, another Birthday and then another Christmas is a privilege denied to many. So when a New Year rolls in, it’s a good opportunity...