Earlier this year, you may remember I wrote about a school in Kenya that was in desperate need of a rainwater tank. The rainwater tank was to help the village by supplying fresh drinking water to the kids and their families. It also provided a local solution to help the kids stay in school, rather than skip it to make multiple 10km round trips (made daily) to fill their bucket for their families’ water needs.
It takes a village to help a village and through your support of my blog, I was able to donate my commissions for the month of January and February to the project. If you donated personally or bought a pair of earrings from Mosi Mtoto, thank you. The Mama Paulina School of Hope not only got their rainwater tank, but the recent down pours have helped to fill it, allowing the kids to fill their buckets from the tank.
The images are hazy due to the old camera used, but look at those happy faces.
The needs in this world can be so great, but I believe when we are moved by a cause and we intentionally step out to help, great things can be accomplished. When we gift together, it’s amazing how the multiplication of little donations can grow to build something big.
I’m so grateful to Nat from Mosi Mtoto who has created a conduit for those of us in Australia, to help small projects like this one. These kids are poor and this rainwater tank has made their lives a little easier.