Home Maintenance: January 2020

home maintenance january 2020

Last month I wrote a blog post outlining an annual home maintenance checklist.

The intent was not to alarm, but to have a resource available for myself to check off a few inspections I had put off over the years. My personal home maintenance to-do list is actually 3 x A4 pages long!

Now that the girls are in school, I’m going to tackle my child free days with work… but also ticking off the checklist. It’s going to be a slow process. I thought I’d share with you what we got done in January.

Home Maintenance in January 2020

Termite Inspection

I got a termite inspection by Checkmate Pest Control to check for termites. We are all clear, but the infrared picked up moisture near our air conditioning unit and in some parts of our roof. This could have been from the hail storm last year or could be another issue. We’ve had a look up there and nothing seems to be damp. I might organise a professional roof plumber to inspect see if there is something we’re not seeing.

We also requested a quote for a termite treatment so we know what to save for.

Removed Limescale From Shower Head

My shower head was driving me batty with its misdirecting flow. I fixed it up with this hack.

vinegar hack for shower head

Tested Wasabi Six to Remove Mould

I tried a new a product to remove mould from the hard to clean areas of the bathroom. I got mixed results. You can read my review here.

Cleaned the Skylight

I hate to admit this… but we haven’t cleaned our skylight since we moved into our house. Mainly cause I had no idea how to remove the dome to clean it inside. A google search and Youtube video later, I had the skylight cover off and gave it a good clean. It was full of dust and dead insects. Couldn’t believe how much light came through the room after cleaning it.

removing round skylight dome cover

Decluttered the Playroom and Bookshelf

Our playroom was getting overrun with toys. We’ve decluttered, sold or donated items the kids no longer played with. This is still a work in progress.

Painted the Playroom

Painting the playroom was a BIG job. We didn’t realise there were 7 doors off this room alone! The prep took the longest. It always does when painting.

prepping room for painting

Jacob tackled the walls and ceilings, I did the cut ins and architraves. We’ve yet to finish the doors.

prepping the architraves and doors

painting architraves

Once the room was painted – and dry, we moved the furniture back. I’ve yet to purchase new artwork, a rug, some plants (of course!) and something to organise our craft and drawing supplies which are in two storage containers.

after room has been painted

Made a LEGO Coffee Table

The LEGO Coffee Table was also completed on the Australia Day long weekend. This has been a big hit with the kids.

DIY Lego table with storage

Planned Maintenance for February

We still have 4 doors that need to be repainted, I need to finish styling the playroom and I need to organise an inspection on our air conditioner. But it’s also an expensive month with two family Birthdays. And being a short month, I’m not sure how we’ll go. I’ll keep you posted though.

Did you get up to any home maintenance projects in January? Got any projects on the go at home at the moment?