Acknowledge the Good in Others: It Reflects the Good in you

Acknowledge the Good in Others: It Reflects the Good in you

Over the last month or so I have been s l o w l y going through our house and ridding it of clutter we no longer need. We’re out of the baby stage and it’s quite cleansing removing items we no longer need. But it’s such a long process. I get motivated to go through all the cupboards and lose motivation while going through the things, because it becomes a bigger job than I anticipated. I’ve pushed through though. I can’t handle having a job half done.

Anyway, the decluttered items have either been donated to good will or sold on Facebook Marketplace. So far it’s gone ok. I’ve had some immediate sales and some that have been relisted over two weeks. I will most likely just donate those items.

Before I list an item in the marketplace, I do a search for products similar to mine to get a feel for the price to charge. And this was where I discovered a lovely act of kindness.

The Act of Kindness

A lady had posted a box of pantry staples, all within their due date, for FREE, for anyone who would need them.

pantry fillers

I immediately thought what a kind gesture – to offer food for FREE to someone that may be struggling this time of year.

The Exchange

I wrote to the lister (because you direct message them if you’re interested in buying their item) and said I wasn’t interested in picking up the food, but acknowledged her beautiful heart for offering free pantry staples. It would certainly bless someone in need.

And while it could go to a person not necessarily in a difficult situation, offering a free box of food – that’s within date – is a lovely gesture in itself to be admired.

The lister replied immediately and thanked me for my kind words.

I replied, explaining how I was inspired by her post to do a similar thing. I was reminded just how easy it is to change someone’s day.

The lister responded quickly again and her last sentence took me by surprise. She said ‘thanks for your kind heart also’.

The little exchange got me thinking: when we acknowledge the good in others, it reflects the good we have inside of us.

acknowledge the good in others quote

Acknowledge the Good in Others

We shouldn’t do good things or acts of kindness to be noticed.

But when we acknowledge an act of kindness by someone, it demonstrates we’ve noticed and taken time to encourage them. The recipient will receive something, the viewer receives pleasure from watching the exchange and the giver receives joy for being helpful. It’s a joyful situation all round.

It doesn’t take much to acknowledge the good in others. Here are some examples off the top of my head.

When someone writes a blog post that resonates, write a comment or send a message of encouragement.

When a business delivers a hassle-free service, leave online feedback or give a shout out on social media so others can support that business.

When a friend volunteers their time to a local community organization or at church, acknowledge the time they’ve invested in helping out for free. That’s a giving heart right there. And you should be proud that you’re friends with them.

There are so many instances where we can recognise the good in others and can send an encouraging word that’s uplifting.

I’m glad I stopped to notice those free pantry staples. Not because I needed them, but because I needed the joy. I needed a reminder that humans can be good. It made me happy to see that sort of kindness on Facebook. It seems to be in lack so much these days.

I don’t suggest we all start giving pantry staples away for free (but hey, why not?), but I definitely think it’s important to encourage those who have felt led to give in different ways. Words of encouragement are also a gift, and kindness has always been free.

Have you ever had a similar circumstance in your life where you’ve been encouraged by the generosity of others?