Behind Open Doors – Encouragement for a New Year

behind open doors

On the first day of 2018, I headed out to do half an hour of exercise. An indulgent December has seen my curves become rounder, making the waist band of my shorts a little tighter.

Despite it being 8:30am and a little later than I’d go out, I decided to push myself and see how far I could go. Gosh it was hot. I was dripping in sweat and my fringe curled and stuck to my forehead like a little pig’s tail.

Before I left, I told Jacob I’d lock the door but wouldn’t take the key with me, because I wanted my hands to be free. I’d call him or knock, so he’d know to open the door for me.

After I walked and ran for half an hour, I headed home.

Instead of calling Jacob, I knocked on the door. I could hear the kids were up inside.

After a quick selfie for Instagram Stories and checking the time on my phone, I was still standing at the door. So I knocked again. I was probably at the door for a few minutes more before Maggie heard the knock and screamed ‘Mummy’s home’.

At that moment, I thought I’d try to open the door, and would you believe it was unlocked. Jacob had already unlocked it, ready for me to walk through when I’d got home.

behind open doors

That simple moment illustrated a lesson to me about doors. How necessary it is to try, before giving up and how easy it can be to walk away from doors that may look closed, but are actually open.

I like the analogy of open and closed doors in life. Open doors are often yes’s and closed doors are usually no’s. Whatever the answer is, it still means we get to walk through a door – it just may not necessarily be the one we thought we should have walked through.

For me, I have an open door to walk through this year and after discussing the ‘logistics’ of this new opportunity, I realised I kept dwelling on how I’d navigate the ‘bad’ days. I shared with friends on New Year’s Eve about my hesitations. They were able to tell me that the bad days were actually few and far between. If anything, when those bad days happened, they could be managed.

After discussing my opportunity, I realised I was that same Bec, standing at a closed, yet open door, talking myself out of turning the handle because my thoughts of what I ‘knew’ were paralysing me and preventing me to turn the handle and walk through.

I don’t know what doors you may be facing right now. But if your door is a yes, don’t hesitate and talk yourself out of walking through it. Don’t let your thoughts paralyse you from walking into where you should be. We can be a detriment to ourselves if we believe everything we think. It can stop us from growing and not making ground that is ours for the taking.

don't think everything you believe quotes The Plumbette

I hope 2018 is a year of open doors for you. May the right open doors come your way.  Open doors of opportunity, increase and challenges that will build your faith and stabilise your trust. The only opposition is us when it comes to open doors. I pray you have the courage to turn the handle and walk through.

What open doors are you facing this year? What new things would you like to try this year?

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