Busiest Month Yet

busiest month yet beach

September has been my busiest month yet.

The first day of the month had me presenting at the Plumbing conference, which I felt unqualified to speak at. But as the quotes say, you embrace the fear and do it anyway. I think my presentation went well.

We went home, unpacked and had to race down to Ballina for Jacob’s grandpa’s funeral. We received news of Jacob’s pa passing away the morning we headed to the plumbing conference. No matter how anticipated a death can be, it’s always a shock when it happens. The service was perfectly fitting. The girls were as behaved as could be during the service. I had to give a container full of lollies to Phoebe to keep her sitting still. But then she was on a sugar high for most of the afternoon and went a bit crazy running around the RSL during the afternoon tea. Despite my kids going crazy, it was lovely to catch up with family we haven’t seen in a long while.

The following weekend, I headed down to Problogger which was awesome.

After the conference, I raced home to help get the house ready and car packed so we could go away on a week’s holiday down at Turtle Beach Resort.

Our little week away was fantastic.

down the slide

down the slide maggie

We had perfect weather and on the one day we didn’t, we headed to the new Pacific Fair where all I could afford to do was window shop.

The outdoor areas at Pacific Fair are just gorgeous. I had to stop Phoebe and Maggie from jumping into one of the fountains as they thought it as a cool pool.

We had lovely walks along the beach, a lot of swimming and going down water slides and had general fun being together as a family. There were also lots of fights and tantrums but I don’t think you can escape these even if you go on holidays.

at the beach

at the beach

I took a book to read which I hardly made a dent into because… well kids.

Holidays aren’t fully the same when you take little kids away. Your attention has to be on them 100% of the time especially around the pool areas.

pool time

turtle beach pool

But the change in environment and routine – with nothing to do and nowhere to be makes the family holiday an annual event we look forward to all year.

in the spa

selfie with the husband

This week, Jacob has been home and Esther has had the first week of school holidays. It’s given me time to slowly catch up on writing work and get some jobs done that have been sitting on the to-do-list for most of the year. In amongst all the busyness, I’ve also had requests from readers to write about a variety of topics so stay tuned for these. I will get my butt into gear this week to write those posts to help you. x

When it comes to matters of faith, I’ve been still a little sporadic in my prayer life and reading the word. But gosh I’ve learned a few things about myself in this trying year and I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned with you.

What I do know is often the things we don’t want to do, are usually the very things we need to do. So this un-satisfaction in my spiritual life has been a good catalyst for change and action.

prayer quote

I’m looking forward to finishing the last quarter of the year on a high. Hopefully you are too?

How have the school holidays been treating you? When do you go on your next holiday? How are you feeling? I’d love to know. X