A Day of Rest and Thoughts About Negativity

a day of rest

Whenever I write a personal post, I don’t always know how it will end until I type my thoughts on the page.

I usually end with a point to make or a message to convey.

And generally the lessons are ones I’ve had to think about and apply to my own life. I hope they help you or make you realise you’re normal like me? Or maybe I’m the crazy one, and you’re the normal one? HAHA!

There has been a lot on my mind lately. I’ve challenged myself to think more about my work situation and the priorities I set for myself and our family.

This Sunday we decided to skip church to have a home day. A whole day of rest, with nowhere to be.

As our children grow and we take on more work (or responsibilities) because the baby and toddler years are behind us, I have learned the importance of rest. A day of rest is crucial to get through another week. If a day of rest was important on God’s weekly agenda, it certainly is more so for us.

We headed to church on Friday night instead. While church can be an effort to attend to on a Sunday morning, I need a weekly message of inspiration to get through each week. Attending church is one of the ways I set my mindset up for another busy week.

Today will be spent pottering around the home, reading, and tidying up. We may also attack some menial tasks that will benefit our peace of mind.

The past few weeks have gone quickly. Just when we groan that our weekend has ended it’s not long before another new weekend is on our doorstep. The irony is I enjoy most days of the week, but the weekends are generally more relaxed.

My weeks are full doing my part time job and writing work. The irony of starting my new job is my writing work load has also increased. Requests and projects from brands I dreamed of working with back when I started the blog have been in contact in the last month. I’ve said yes to most of them with excitement and then apprehension, hoping the work I deliver will be the quality they require. (I will share some of these with you at a later date when I’m allowed to do so)

I’ve settled well into my new job and had my probation review a few weeks ago. It all went ok. At the heart of what I do, I enjoy helping people.

I enjoy listening and talking to customers. I get a lot of fulfilment in helping people and doing it in an instantaneous and practical way. No shift is ever the same and I’m reminded of the extremes we can live in. One person may be having a great day, while another may be having one of the worst days of their life. We may think all is well in our world and then an accident happens and suddenly, everything isn’t right. It’s a grim reminder to enjoy each and every day we’re given. There are no guarantees of tomorrow.

I had been thinking I was doing pretty good with my new job, getting the hang of the systems and then I received my call score during my probationary review and my score was a fail. Despite being told my call manner ‘epitomised the heart of the business’, and customers asked for my name so they could speak to me again – I hadn’t met the mark in other areas and hence, I was penalized for it. Another reminder that sometimes when I feel I’m doing well, I could be better.

I think the first half of 2018 has taught me to not let the negatives get to me. I could very well wallow in my score and dwell only on the negative, but it takes an intentional mindset to take it on the chin, remember the positives and do better next time.

It’s so easy to only remember the negatives. And while negative feedback can be beneficial, it can also be detrimental to a mindset that has never learned to scrutinise it for what it is.

scrutinise negativity

And so, on the eve of another week, I have a week of shifts to get through, words to type, mouths to feed, clothes to wash, a house to clean and a husband and children to love.

I do what I do so I can enjoy time and experiences with my family. If I ever find myself wallowing in the negative, I just have to remind myself of whom I have and who I do this for. The positives certainly outweigh the negatives.

How has your week been? When was the last time you took a day of rest?