And That’s How We Ended 2016
How the heck did we get to New Year’s Eve? Only last week I was finishing up my writing deadlines and directing Jacob on what presents still needed to be wrapped.
And Christmas is all over red rover.
All week I have been meaning to write about what happened leading up to Christmas and how Christmas day went and what we’ve been up to, but it’s been nice not being on the computer.
But of course, I read Bron’s post about how a blog can keep a record of memories and that was the kick I needed to get this post up for you on how our family celebrated the end of 2016.
So the week before Christmas, I was decluttering and selling all the baby toys because we don’t have a baby in the house anymore (sob and fist punch at the same time). Phoebe is 2 and we no longer need the rattles and light up toys and things that the girls’ haven’t played with… since I can’t remember when. The decluttering made room for new Christmas gifts.
We also had a day trip out to the Ipswich Art Museum. I highly recommend you take your kids out there if you live in Brisbane for a day out. It was what Esther describes as the ‘best day out ever’ because there’s a construction zone and a taped zone that the kids had a ball playing in. I may have also enjoyed playing there too. We had so much fun with our school friends. It’s lovely to be able to make memories together.
We then made an impromptu visit to the movies to see Trolls. I just love hanging out with our school friends. They truly have been a blessing to our lives this year.
On the Wednesday night I headed with dad to the Breakie Creek Hotel to catch up with our old plumbers for a Christmas dinner. It’s nice to know that some things have changed but not a lot has changed with plumbing since I left that sort of work 3 years ago.
Thursday night we raced the family into Southbank to see the carols as presented by our church. The presentation was STUNNING and so well done. We saw the fireworks afterwards and had a walk down the Christmas markets. Brisbane sure does shine at Christmas.
On Friday afternoon we headed into the city to go to the Myer Giftorium so the girls could ride the Santa Express. I also promised the girls could make their own teddy or Barbie doll as part of their Christmas gifts for the year. All three girls decided to make their own teddy which cost me an arm and a leg.
We lined up down the Queen Street Mall to watch the parade which was sponsored by David Jones this year. The girls were thrilled to be given balloons as they watched the parade go past.
From there we headed to watch the light show on City Hall and then it was time to go home to get ready for Christmas Eve.
Christmas Eve was spent cleaning and baking and getting ready for Christmas Day. We had Jacob’s mum come up and we headed to church at night, which was so special and the sermon was one of the best I’ve heard about Christmas. It was about being uncomfortable and how Christmas was uncomfortable for many. I thought the message was fitting for the year we’ve had this year because it’s been an uncomfortable year for a lot of us.
Our family came over late in the afternoon for Christmas dinner. We’re pretty fuss free when it comes to Christmas food. It has to be easy and delicious. As most families in Australia we have been eating ham for days.
Since Christmas day I’ve spent time reading and going to the movies. I’ve seen Sing, La La Land and the new Star Wars movie.
I’ve also spent time thinking about what I’d like to achieve next year. I’ve written a list of all the things I’d like to do around the house and in my personal life. There are 57 things to do. Not a big list at all.
If I’ve learned anything at all this year it’s to be grateful that I’m well and alive to make lists and dream big. When I hear about people dying or running to save their life from war or whatever terrible situation they find themselves in, I thank God that my problems aren’t life threatening and don’t have the potential to kill my ability to think and dream. My family is safe and that’s something to be very grateful for.
A lot has been said that 2016 has been a terrible year. I think it was a challenging year and one where many lessons were learned. For me, 2016 has been a catalyst to make changes in my life for next year. It’s brought beautiful people into my life, but it’s also taken many from it.
So Happy New Year to you all. I love the fresh feeling of a new year. It’s like going to bed with clean sheets which I ironically changed today as a way to celebrate the new year.