The Things I’ve Missed Because I’m a Creature of Habit

the things I've missed because I'm a creature of habit

Whenever I do Maggie’s Kindy drop off, I’m always in a rush to get to the car. The longer I stay, the more difficult it is to pull Phoebe away from all the things that just cry out to a toddler to play with.

On Tuesdays, I am out of that Kindy quick as a flash so I can get home and get a solid 5 hours of work done. Tuesdays are my only child free days where I make three drops offs to make it happen. I make a stop on the way home for a coffee and baked treat (because I don’t have to share) and this acts as my smoko as I write, write, write.

But the Wednesday after I hit publish on my change post (which many of you resonated with by the way), I took my time getting Maggie into Kindy. I didn’t rush off like I normally do and lingered around the kid’s lockers.

I then saw a jar with bits of paper in it with a sign that encouraged the parents to pick one out to read the quote for the day. I hadn’t seen it before and thought ‘wow, what a great idea’.

Curiously, I picked out my quote and it was very fitting for me to read.

Quote of the day at Kindy
The quote was so fitting, I took it home with me.

I headed over to the Kindy Director and told her what a wonderful idea it was to have the jar of quotes available for parents to be encouraged during their day. Michelle laughed and said, ‘Bec, that’s been there forever. Have you only just noticed it now?’

I could have received a new quote every Kindy day, had I not rushed out the door.

And so it got me thinking about what ‘other things’ I’ve missed in my life while rushing from here to there. Just writing this makes me think I’ve written about this before.

But I don’t think it’s necessarily the rushing that has caused me to miss things. I think it’s getting stuck in the same routine, day in, day out, that causes my eyes to focus on what I need to get done, and not what is happening around me. The constant routine, where I stick to old habits, unwilling to change, result in everything looking the same, because I’m never in a position to notice anything different. What things have I missed because I’m a creature of habit?

That question has encouraged me, because what am I going to now notice, since I’ve realised this? It’s certainly going to help with my initiation in getting some changes in my life. Being so focused on one area, has meant I haven’t lifted my eyes to see other opportunities that are most probably better for me.

There is a season for everything, and I do believe the right opportunities will present themselves at the time when needed.

For me, this little experience has given me faith that I will find those opportunities, because I’m not focused on what has been. I’m open to the possibilities of what could be.

I don’t think there is anything deep about this revelation. It’s possibly a reminder to lift your eyes every once and a while. You just never know what you might find. For me, it was a quote that met me right where I was at.

Have you ever discovered something that has been there all along? Are you a creature of habit too?