Today is our 10 Year Wedding Anniversary


Today is our 10 year wedding anniversary. How did we get here? I remember envisioning what 10 years would look like but I’m not sure I would have imaged the life we are living now. This year has been busy, overwhelming and I have been stretched in a lot of ways.

This week has been distraught with heartbreak around the world. In the lead up to our wedding anniversary I have had things attack me out of the blue and the burden of dealing with a heavy heart as I contemplate tragedies that have happened around the world in recent days.

Funnily enough, in the lead up to our wedding, our family experienced a crisis of a different kind that burdened us and changed the scope of our family forever.

But weddings and anniversaries are moments of joy that we should celebrate in the midst of life’s devastations.

This post is meant to be happy because Jacob and I are celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary ( 10 years! I still can’t believe it!) and to keep it real for you, we aren’t doing anything to celebrate it. Well nothing grand anyway.

Tonight we will probably get take out. We haven’t organized a dinner out because our go to babysitters were unavailable. And it’s hard organizing a weekend away for the two of us when I am still breastfeeding a baby. Every place I looked at booking is booked for Saturday night or isn’t quite what we are after. It’s probably a good weekend to stay in because of the rain that is meant to hit us this weekend.

I feel like we are slowly slipping into the ‘eh, it’s just an anniversary, another year married’ mode by not actively organizing anything but when your 10 years in, life is busy, chaotic and sometimes hard. But there is so much to be grateful for.

Our wedding day was beautiful. I didn’t care too much about what I looked like which seems crazy in this pinterest day and age. We put on an extravagant affair that fit in with our budget. As much as I was excited about our wedding day, what excited me more was the living together part. Moving into our little house that we purchased 9 months prior and settling in to make it home.

Dad walking me down the aisle
Dad walking me down the aisle


Signing the register
Signing the registry


In the car after the wedding.
In the car after the wedding.


My favourite photo from the day.
My favourite photo from the day.

In the last 10 years we’ve travelled a bit, I’ve had a major career change, we upgraded our house to accommodate a future family which we now have with our three precious girls. Esther, Magdalene and Phoebe. We’ve experienced the highs and lows like any family. But right now we are captaining this busy season of parenting little kids and trying to balance work to make ends meet and it’s a crazy, busy, yet blessed place to be.

Jacob and I now with more kigs, more debt and more love than ever.
Jacob and I now with more kigs, more debt and more love than ever.


Our beautiful girls.
Our beautiful girls.

I’m sure we will do something to celebrate our anniversary but the timing for this week and this weekend hasn’t worked.

Happy Wedding Anniversary darling Jacob. Life is so much more grander when you’re with me – especially when you’re home to help me chaperone the little ones. I love you forever. xx

How long have you been married? How do you celebrate your anniversary? What did you do for your 10 year anniversary?