A Life of no Regrets

a life of no regrets

Have you ever shared how ridiculous a particular situation is to a friend to find that they think it’s crazy too but their predicament is actually worse than yours and you really have nothing to complain about? That happened to me on the weekend.

Lately I’ve been having little reminders sent in the way of a status from an inspiring blogger to words from a good friend that have slowly reminded me to live life well. There are so many people facing pretty dire situations. I’m not one of them.

I have my faith, my health, my family and friends.

bec with phoebe

Life is so full – even if it has an undercurrent of stress from different challenges.

A quick scan of the news headlines on Sunday night had my stomach clench as I literally worried for people I don’t know who have found themselves in incredibly difficult circumstances. Some people are living nightmares day in and day out. Toddler tantrums and motherhood overwhelm are envied issues for those that are facing life threatening seasons.

And yet life goes on.

I recently pondered on whether I’m meant to be where I am. When things don’t go quite how I planned, I wonder if I’ve made a mistake or should be considering a different option. Do you do that? Make a decision to go a certain way and when it starts to go pear shaped, question if it was really the path you were meant to be on?

One question has helped me realise I am definitely where I’m meant to be as this point in time. The question is do I have any regrets?

And the simple answer to that question is no, I don’t. And I don’t want to make a rash decision that will have me answering yes simply because I’m a little uncomfortable with some challenges I’m facing now.

I don’t want to regret not being home with my girls while they are little.

bec walking kids
Esther took this photo of me. She did good.

I don’t want to regret not knowing where this blog will end up and how it can be used as a voice for those that don’t have one.

Right now, while life is busy managing my family and building my blog and doing freelance work, I’m building a life I have always dreamed of. It hasn’t been easy and it’s not how I’d imagined it would be.

But that’s ok.

It’s messy, overwhelming, stressful, not completely secure and unpredictable.

I look at my girls and I’m so grateful that I’m still in love with their dad (and he with me), my girls are happy and have their every need met and each worry or challenge is only temporary and can be changed to be better.

In all circumstances I choose to be grateful for what I have. And keep being positive about seeing breakthroughs in hard seasons.
I love this quote my mum recently shared on Facebook.

wonderful thought quote

And it’s true. There are some good days ahead and I have to remind myself of this when life is a bit blah.

How has life been treating you lately? What are you grateful for? Do you question your path when life becomes uncomfortable?

I’m linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT.