Alone with three at home

The girls with Jacob for Father's Day

Last week was Jacob’s first week back to work since having Phoebe. I thought I’d be anxious, but I wasn’t. Jacob had 7 weeks off work which seemed to fly by so fast. Esther and Magdalene loved having their daddy home to play with them. I was happy to have someone to watch the girls so I could focus on getting Phoebe into some sort of day routine.

The girls with Jacob for Father's Day
The girls with Jacob for Father’s Day

It took me a couple of weeks to get Phoebe to start sleeping during the night rather than all through the day. There were some nights where I got little sleep, but having Jacob home meant I could have a nap in the afternoon.

The house would be messy during the day, but by night Jacob would put it back to order as I fed Phoebe. Once the girls were fed, bathed and put to bed, I’d be back on the computer getting another blog post up.

Now that Jacob is at work, I’ve spent most of my days at home with the girls doing craft, playing tea parties, dressing up as princesses or watching TV. Phoebe is either in her swing, in her rocker chair or lying on her back under her play gym while I play with the older two. Sometimes she is in my arms because she gets sick of all three of my baby entertaining or holding apparatuses. If I get to the computer during the day, I’m lucky to read some emails before Phoebe wakes up because she seems to only cat nap during the day – unless she’s in her swing where she could be rocked to sleep all day.

Magdalene dressed up in one of Esther's dresses
Magdalene dressed up in one of Esther’s dresses


Sisters relaxing outside
Sisters relaxing outside

I’ve enjoyed being at home with the girls. The days go fast. Phoebe will be 2 months old this week and I’m surprised that we’ve reached this milestone so soon.

Of course there are moments where all hell breaks loose and Magdalene starts screaming at Esther because she won’t share her toys, or Esther cries because Magdalene has stolen her Jemima doll and won’t hand it back.

Esther and Magdalene

Phoebe competes over the noise because she either wants to be held or burped or fed or changed. I’ve been calm during those moments because I’ve anticipated them and I realized long ago that there’s no point in getting stressed. It doesn’t make for a happy home.

Anyway, I don’t get stressed over noise. I get stressed over mess. And this is something I’ve had to let go of because mess is something both Esther and Magdalene have been getting into the habit of creating every day. I’ve been teaching them to pack up their toys or craft once they’ve finished playing, but the message doesn’t always get through. So I leave it for when Jacob gets home from work. Not necessarily so he can clean it, but more so I have back up to enforce the girls to help me.

Doing craft together
Doing craft together
I can't get enough of this angelic face
I can’t get enough of this angelic face

The moments when Esther and Magdalene play together are beautiful to watch. Most times when this happens, I’m on the couch feeding Phoebe. Sometimes Phoebe just likes to lay on my lap and smile at me. She’s smiling so much more now and I intentionally stare at her little face, into her deep blue eyes. She is my last baby so I’m savouring each moment.

Phoebe loves giving milky tongue smiles
Phoebe loves giving milky tongue smiles

My first week alone with three at home was a success. I’m tired, but happy and content.  I don’t take one moment with my girls at home for granted. Next year Esther will be going to Kindy so I will have two to entertain at home for the first half of the week. Thinking about this puts my day in perspective. Especially when I’m faced with a toddler that decides to do a Picasso with their yoghurt…

Messy Magadalene
Messy Magadalene

But in the next moment, go crazy cute by loving on her sister and leaning in to give her a big, wet, sloppy kiss.

Magdalene kissing Phoebe

Life with three girls is good. It’s very good.

If you’re a mum can you remember the first time you were alone all day with your baby? Were you anxious and how did you cope?

I’m linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT.