Birthday Week Has Come and Gone

Birthday week

The last week of school holidays was dubbed as Birthday week in our household.

I had my Birthday on Tuesday, and we celebrated Phoebe’s on Thursday.

Birthdays are exciting in our household. The girls love to guess what gifts the Birthday girl may get on their special day. No matter whose Birthday it is, it’s exhilarating to watch the opening of presents and see if anyone can benefit from the unwrapped gift.

Birthday presents

My Birthday started with breakfast in bed (I know, I’m spoiled!) present opening and then I met my Dad for pancakes at the Pancake Manor. I was surprise to see an iPad on the table to order our food. This was new for me and I’m still not sure how I feel about it. Nothing beats customer service with a smile I think.

pancake manor ipad customer service

funny face pancakes

We did a bit of shopping, went home to relax and read and ordered our favourite Vietnamese for takeout.

family dinner The Plumbette

Half a cheesecake from The Cheesecake Shop was a wise decision as I knew our fridge was going to get full with more cake.

Birthday Cake

Phoebe’s Birthday was an exceptionally fun day. We started with present opening and then I offered to take the kids to see Secret Life of Pets 2, but they really wanted to see Aladdin and I was thrilled with their choice. A great movie and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Birthday girl waiting for her presents

kids clothes H & M
Wearing a new outfit from H & M

We had the family over to celebrate Phoebe’s Birthday, this time with pizza and more cake.

Woolies Mud Cake Hack
A mud cake from Woolies, with edible slime inside. It was really sweet.

And then on Friday night, I invited a few close friends over for a Birthday get-together. Nothing fancy. Cheese and desserts, champagne and marshmallows by the fire pit. It was a relaxed affair and I didn’t get many photos from the occasion because I just wanted to catch up with my friends.

grazing platter for birthday

Life can pass us by so quickly when we’re working, raising a family and running a business. I have felt withdrawn from my friends, even though we’re in communication on a weekly basis via messenger or text message.

But nothing beats having friends over, great food to graze over and a fire which encourages conversation.

school mum friendsBec and ReneeBlogging friendsIt was a Birthday week to remember, and now it’s back to school today and I have a news crew coming to my house this morning to film a segment for the Today Show. I also have to work straight afterwards.

The madness of life never stops, so it makes those moments when I do stop, all the more special.

Does your family have a Birthday week too? A Birthday month?