Christmas 2014


Do you shake your head in disbelief when Christmas Day is over? So much momentum and excitement for the day to arrive and then it comes and goes and suddenly it’s Boxing Day.

We had a fabulous Christmas Day. I would say it was one of our best. It helps when your children understand more as they get older. Esther was so excited and Magdalene and Phoebe were a bit oblivious to it all. Well Magdalene knew something was going on and would always point Santa out to me at the shops.

This year, we had the morning to ourselves as a family and it was special and fun. So much fun! I’ve ingrained the morning in my memory as one of the best Christmas mornings ever.

I was quite restrained with the Christmas gifts because I knew my girls would get a lot of presents from Grandparents. This Christmas tree is 53 years old and was brought back from San Diego from my Grandma Jones. It’s metallic silver and I always loved decorating it with her as a little girl. When she offered it to me when her and Grandpa were culling their possessions to move into a nursing home, I was so happy to take it. Unfortunately the top of the tree went missing, but I place a tall silver angel on the top and you wouldn’t know the difference.

Our Christmas Tree barricaded with a pet enclosure to stop little hands getting to the presents and baubles!
Our Christmas Tree barricaded with a pet enclosure to stop little hands getting to the presents and baubles!

My girls’ stockings looked empty when they had presents in them. Their stockings were filled with items for their room like a retro doll and Sonny Angels. This year we bought the girls a kitchen and the necessary utensils and plastic food. It was a big hit. Especially with Magdalene who has been ‘cooking’ every day since.

New Kitchen

Kitchen won

We also bought a fabulous Dinosaur water play pool thing which we pumped up on Boxing Day and the girls had a fantastic time playing on it. It is safely stored in our garage for the next use.

I thought I’d share some pictures from the morning. Esther was adamant to Santa about getting a yoyo which Jacob had to make a mad dash to the shops to put into her stocking! Her face when she found it in her stocking was priceless. It’s what you dream of as a parent to see on Christmas morning from your children.

Esther and her yoyo


Phoebe and her paper

Phoebe was happy to play with the paper and take in the antics by her sisters with their presents.

Phoebe is screaming with delight at her new Tiny Me personalized bag
Phoebe is screaming with delight at her new Tiny Me personalized bag

The weekend before Christmas, Esther explained to me that even though we didn’t have a chimney, Santa would arrive through the air conditioning duct. Her four year old intellect astounds me at times!

We had lunch out which was good because there was no stress about food prep and no mess to clean up afterwards, but taking little kids out for lunch can be a bit stressful because they don’t always like to sit in the one spot.

At lunch

Phoebe at lunch

The girls did well but me, well I was a bit exhausted after it all trying to make sure each child was ok and behaving. Being at home means the kids can run amok at bit because it’s Christmas Day and anything can kind of go.

Hard to believe I was pregnant with this bubba this time last year.
Hard to believe I was pregnant with this bubba this time last year.

How was your Christmas? I’d love to hear how your day went. 🙂