How to Make a Chocolate Nativity Scene

Chocolate nativity scene

Back in August I was asked by a food blogger to write a guest post sharing my favourite recipe. A month ago, I realized I hadn’t done anything about submitting a post and I had this crazy idea of creating a Christmas Nativity scene out of chocolate. Anyway, I went to work on my idea and went to submit it to the food blogger, only to be told they were no longer receiving guest posts.

So I was left with a heap of photos and a rough looking Nativity scene. I decided to share what I built here.

Chocolate Nativity Scene the Plumbette

If I’m honest, I’m no food blogger. Earlier this week I shared a photo of my Christmas shortbread and it was black as the ace of spades. This is what happens when I multi-task in the kitchen. I didn’t realize I’d put a last batch of shortbread in the oven and while I was cooking dinner, those shortbread turned a deep shade of black. They were completely buggered.

Anyway, when I thought up my crazy chocolate Nativity scene idea, I visualized in my head what I’d need and went with the flow in creating it while my girls were napping. I emptied my top freezer so that I could set the components. If you do give this a go with the kids, try and pick a cool day or have the air con cranked up so the chocolate doesn’t melt when you work with it.

A month later, my Nativity scene is still sitting in the fridge and it’s still standing, so that’s proof that I built good.

The ingredients you will need are:

1 Block of Cadbury Chocolate (or a ribbed chocolate block)

3 thin Blocks of Dark Chocolate

1 Packet of Starburst Babies – for Baby Jesus

1 pack of Mini Flakes – for Jesus manger and decoration

1 Packet of Jelly Babies for Mary, Joseph and the Three Wise Men (you could also use Chico Babies, but I chose the colours so you could see them better against the chocolate)

1 Packet of Chocolate Melts

1 Packet of Changs Noodles – for the hay

1 Pretzel Star or Frozen Cereal Star

Chocolate Nativity Scene Ingredients

Firstly, you need to melt half a pack of chocolate melts. You then need to use 2 large platters to conscruct the base of your nativity scene and the roof. You will need to make sure the platter can fit into your freezer.

Fix the walls of the nativity scene by placing the thin dark chocolate blocks into the grooves of the Cadbury block chocolate.

Don’t worry about how messy the melted chocolate looks. It will be covered with noodles later.

base of chocolate nativity scene

base of chocolate nativity scene

chocolate base of nativity scene Christmas

Place the base in the freeze to set.

Meanwhile, break two blocks of the dark chocolate and place together to create the roof. Use two ramekins to keep the chocolate roof in place. Then place this in the freezer.

chocolate roof of nativity scene

Remove the base of the nativity scene and drizzle melted chocolate on the floor of your Nativity Scene to add the Jelly Babies. You can also add the back walls using the broken off ends of the dark chocolate blocks which were used for the roof.

Again don’t worry if there is melted chocolate all over the place, the noodles will soon cover  it over.

chocolate nativity scene

Mary and Joseph in Navity Scene

chocolate natitivity scene

Quickly place this in the freezer for the Jelly Babies to set in place. Once set, attach the roof onto the base and sprinkle the noodles.

chocolate nativity scene

Add the cereal or pretzel star to the front edge of the roof and sprinkle flake over the top of the roof to hide the adhesion.

chocolate nativity scene

The chocolate Nativity scene is meant to look rustic. It’s a fun way to teach kids the real meaning of Christmas.

Chocolate Christmas Nativity Scene

This Nativity scene would look great in the middle of a food table for a church Christmas party or even at home on the dessert table. Or it could be simply done as a craft at home with the kids these school holidays.

Have you ever ‘built’ something out of food? Do you get your bake on at Christmas time?

I’m linking up with With Some Grace for FYBF.