It’s Busyness, As Usual

It's busyness as usual

It’s less than a month till I go to Disneyland. Forget about the countdown to Christmas. The kids are reminding me every day how many days are left until we see Cinderella’s Castle. I can feel the excitement start to build as I tick each box off my to-do list. I punch the air as I complete each task before it’s due date.

It’s busyness, as usual in The Plumbette HQ. There is always so much to do before a holiday. And I am prone to adding more to my list so that when we get back for Christmas, we can ease back into reality that bit easier.

The end of school term and of course Christmas is certainly drawing near. I thought I’d share a few things I have been up to behind the scenes of this blog.

I do a variety of work when it comes to blogging as this space is not the only place I write on. While I do try to remember to share posts on Facebook, not all of you get to see this because of algorithms.

I thought I’d also share a few things you might like to see and get involved in this year too?

Today, I headed to Bunnings to deliver my #itsinthebag handbag with hygiene essentials for a woman in need. I learned about Share The Dignity at the Kids Business Bloggers Brunch and vowed to get involved this year. When I shared what I was doing on Facebook, I was amazed at how much response was received and how others are now getting involved to donate as well. The generosity of people makes my heart soar. Bless you for getting involved.

I have also been creating content for other businesses and I’d like to make a shout out to two businesses that give me consistent work each month.

The first company I’d like to share about is Talk About Creative. I’ve been able to put my plumbing skills to use by writing content for other trade businesses who use TAC to manage their digital space to grow their business.

Some of the posts that have recently tested my skills though have been the flat lay posts for Temples and Markets which I have had A LOT of fun doing. If you are looking for a place to purchase an ethical gift this Christmas that supports the artisans who make them in Asia, do check out Temples and Markets. Here are just some of the posts I have put together for their blog.

Festive Fashion – Five Must Have Outfits for the Festive Season

Festive Fashion

Beach Wear Fashion – Five Outfits to Hit The Beach With Style

beach wear outfit

The next shout out is to Kelly from Be a Fun Mum. When I first started blogging way back in 2011, I started reading Be a Fun Mum and was in AWE of Kelly.

I remember writing to her as a newbie blogger saying I had started a plumbing blog. When you see someone succeed with their blog, you want to know what works and what doesn’t.

Fast forward 5 years, Kelly felt led in her heart to ask me if I’d like to contribute as a writer to her blog. I remember the excitement of someone I admired asking me to write for their blog.

Over the last year or so, I have also been helping with the Facebook page. It’s been a privilege to work with someone who gets the blogging industry and supports another mum who is navigating the working/blogging/mothering landscape. Here are some of the craft and baking posts I have put together for Be a Fun Mum.

Candlelight Cookies

candlelight cookies

Paddle Pop Stick Nativity Scene

Paddle pop stick nativity decoration

Cupcake Liner Christmas Tree Garland

cupcake case Christmas tree garland

Marshmallow Snowmen on a Stick

marshmallow men on a stick

Toilet Roll Christmas Trees

Christmas Tree Toilet Rolls

On Saturday, we celebrated mum’s Birthday early as I had to work on Monday night. I just love this photo of mum and the girls.

Grandma and girls

Mum and Dad have been helping me with school pick ups so I can get to events or simply complete an afternoon work shift I haven’t been able to change. The girls have a great relationship with their grandparents, and I have no doubt this will develop even more when we go away together.

The Grinch Premiere

On Saturday afternoon, we were invited to the QLD Premiere of The Grinch. We got to the cinema early so the girls could get their faces painted.

The Grinch Girls

When I asked the girls to smile, they got into character instead and literally put their Grinch pouts on. How fabulous is the face painting? However, as soon as we got into the cinema, Phoebe wanted her face paint off. I was so grateful for a mum I knew from our previous church, who was sitting behind me and offered me her packet of baby wipes. No matter how much I scrubbed it off, Phoebe now looked like The Hulk. She still has black in her eyebrows.

The weekend was a mix of catch ups too. This Ruby Chocolate Shake from San Churro went down a treat.

Ruby Chocolate Shake

On Sunday, Jacob and the girls put up the Christmas tree, while I had a much needed breakfast catchup with two close friends who I met through blogging. Both of them have had unexpected battles this year that have tested them on all fronts. 2018 certainly delivered some curve balls we didn’t see coming.

Christmas Tree 2018

And so that is a bit of what I have been up to. Oh and I forgot to mention I have been writing some posts for Styled by Bec too. It doesn’t get updated as much as The Plumbette though.

With only 4 weeks left of school, I’m sure they will fly and holidays will be here before we know it. This week I realised many of the 17-year-olds that graduated from high school last week were born the year I graduated from year 12 back in 2001. While it hasn’t made me feel old (ok, maybe a little!), it’s certainly another reminder how fast time flies.

Where are you at this time of year? Got any holidays planned for Christmas? How are you coping with the busyness of this season?