Modern Day Proverbs 31 Woman

Modern Day Proverbs 31 Woman

On my desk, I have Proverbs 31: 10-31 framed on my desk. It was a handout given a few years ago at church for Mother’s Day that I took home and got framed.

modern day proverbs 31 woman

The Proverbs 31 woman is certainly the type of woman I challenge myself to be, although in this day and age, the circumstances can look a little different.

modern day proverbs 31 woman

I thought I’d play with the words of the verses which so many women take encouragement and inspiration from. I decided to give it a modern re-do. Maybe you might resonate with the Modern Day Proverbs 31 Woman? All scenarios are based on stereotypical circumstances. Some are exaggerations, and others are situations I’ve had happen in my own life, at one time or another.

Disclaimer: Not all related to me. But most. 

Disclaimer 2: This is meant to be tongue-in-cheek! 

Modern Day Proverbs 31 Woman

A good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds… or a spare carpark spot when attempting to shop at Christmas.

Her husband trusts her without reserve, and never has reason to regret it… especially when she organises his mum’s Mother’s Day gift  and Birthday gifts two weeks in advance. 

Never spiteful, she treats him generously cooking him dinner, washing his clothes, cleaning the house and organsing the children all her life long so his work life is never interrupted.

She shops for the best linen from Kmart because families are expensive, ya know. She has no idea how to knit or sew, but thank goodness for YouTube, which she uses if she needs to re-sew a button on the kids’ uniforms.

Her mind is often like a trading ship that sails to faraway places – she sometimes imagines she is on a cruise ship sailing to faraway places, with a cocktail in hand, and kids booked in the kidsclub. She brings back exotic surprises homewares to adorn her home.

She’s up before dawn, because the baby wakes at 3am. And then the toddler. And then the whole household is awake before dawn (where’s the coffee?!). If the kids sleep in till 5:30am, it’s considered a sleep in.

She rushes like a banshee to feed the kids breakfast, change the nappies, pack lunchboxes and school bags for the day. She organises her day the night before because mornings are a nightmare and she is never on time.

She looks over a block of land and imagines building a new home. One that has not been destroyed by kids. She considers signing up for House Rules, so her home can be transformed. Reason to sign up – hoarders have set up residence in her home. No matter if she helped create them…

She plants a garden… sorry she puts a million plants around her house but has no idea how to plant or tend to a garden. She honestly has no time for such frivolities. She crosses her fingers the indoor plants won’t die. She makes a mental note to buy plastic plants from Kmart, if when they do.

First thing in the morning she dresses in active wear to look like she’s on her way to the gym. After dropping the kids to school, she dresses normally for the day. She rolls her sleeves because that is her gym workout for the day.

She senses the worth of her work, and is counting down the hours till her kids go to bed.

She’s skilled in the crafts of home and hearth, with the help from “Home Decorating Mums” and the “Kmart Mums Australia” Facebook Groups.

She’s quick to assist anyone in need – she says yes to the P & C at school, yes to tuckshop duty, yes to women’s ministry at church and yes to sports club secretary for her kids sporting events. Yes, yes, YES to assist all in need…

She doesn’t worry about her family when it snows. (She lives in Brisbane where it NEVER snows).

She buys her own clothing online (she’d be permanently nude if she tried to make it). And dresses in colourful designs like white t-shirts with vegemite finger prints and black t-shirts with milky chuck-ups. Sometimes she wears the trifecta of a number three, created by the baby, of course.

Her husband is greatly respected, when he deliberates with his work colleagues. If he doesn’t come home as soon as he finishes work for the day – he’s dead. 

She declutters her wardrobe and sells her pre-baby clothes (the ones she hoped to fit back into one day) on eBay.

She is clothed in stretchy jeans and oversized shirts.

She laughs and has no fear of the future… because she has daughters and they look after their parents when they’re old (or so I’ve been told)

When she speaks, she always has something worthwhile to say like ‘Go brush your teeth!’ or ‘Why aren’t your shoes on?’ or ‘For crying out loud, stop fighting.’ There may be other words uttered, not meant for little ears, but are worthwhile to her sanity.

She keeps an eye on everyone in her family. Heaven forbid the children play on their own while she sits to take a break and scrolls Insta stories on her phone.

Her children respect and bless her and her husband joins in with words of praise:

“This dinner is amazing. But maybe try different ingredients in the future.”

“Gosh, you look tired. Can we help clean up the kitchen?” 

Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades, as this mum knows. There are more wrinkles, stretch marks and thigh dimples. And less patience, hair and boobs because their beauty were sucked out by her offspring.

This woman is a woman to be admired and praised.

She survives each day on prayer and coffee.

Give her everything she deserves! A sleep in, a pay rise, a cleaner and a chef.

Festoon her life with praises – giftcards, more coffee and breakfast in bed.

Oh, Modern Day Proverbs 31 Woman, you do deserve a raise!

modern day proverbs 31 woman

What do you think? Like my take on the Modern Day Proverbs 31 Woman?

However you celebrate today, may it be a day of love. Love shared with loved ones, and good memories of mums that are no longer with us but played a big part in our upbringing.

For the correct version of Proverbs 31, check out the NIV version or The Message. 😉