This last weekend was one of the most enjoyable and productive weekends I have had in a long while. I recently cancelled swimming lessons just so we can have a break through winter and to help our finances recover after having a few tight months.
It was glorious to wake up on Saturday morning and have nowhere to go.
I had a few things I wanted to check off on my to-do-list, so Jacob whisked the girls outside to play so I could vacuum and wash the floor. I feel so much better when the floors look clean in the house.
I then tackled cleaning Maggie’s room which had accumulated a lot of little toys from the play room. She loves to have a backpack or handbag and put all the random bits of Barbie accessories, Shopkins and Little People packed away which means they are never in the boxes they are meant to be in for when we want to play with them.

While the wet floor was drying I emptied every backpack, handbag and all her toy boxes and her drawer and had a mammoth sort out. Bits of paper, flowers, broken crayons and plastic crap were put in the bin. It was so good to get it done and sorted. But who knows how long it will last for.

We then had lunch and it was quiet time for the girls which gave me time to get some blogging done.
Having child free hours to get stuff done can do wonders for my mind.
A delivery of flowers was the perfect way to end the day in anticipation for Mother’s Day.
I didn’t expect too much in the way of presents for Mother’s Day as I had gone and bought some clothes that were on sale and a cushion cover I absolutely loved, so I told Jacob to make those my gifts instead to save money.

He didn’t listen to me and bought a few little things anyway.
Sunday morning arrived and Maggie and Esther were excited to wake me up so I could open my Mother’s Day presents. Esther was the most excited as it was her first year making a purchase from the Mother’s Day store at school.
In her matter-of-fact way, she told me that she had to get me one of these fancy cups with the big eyeballs.

I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw it. The glittery eyeballs were definitely big. Except they weren’t eyeballs.

I laughed so much I had tears. Jacob couldn’t stop laughing either and asked me, ‘should we tell her that they’re actually not eyeballs?’

I was laughing too much, I couldn’t answer him.
I didn’t care what I got on Mother’s Day. Anything handmade was perfect and the cup with big eyeballs was literally the cherry on top of the gifts.
After heading to church, the girls got to make more Mother’s Day craft and after a takeaway lunch on the way home, we all crashed for a nap and woke in a frenzy when we realized we were going to be late getting to my grandma’s place for dinner.

I had offered to have my grandparents over, but grandma insisted on cooking us dinner for Mother’s Day. And I’m glad I obliged because it was lovely and the girls had a great time.

After going home and putting the girls to bed, Jacob and I fell onto the couch and watched the Logies.
Even though we didn’t go anywhere fancy, it was a memorable Mother’s Day weekend.
I’m so grateful for my family. As much as it’s nice to thank our mums for being awesome, I think Mother’s Day is great day for mums to simply stop and reflect on how incredible family life can be – even when it’s chaotic.
How was Mother’s Day for You? Get any memorable presents? Can you top my wine glass with the eyeballs?