On my own but never alone


This week is the first week on my own with my baby and toddler. So far, everything is going good. I’ve been able to get chores done and despite the fact that my time is now run by a toddler and newborn, I haven’t felt stressed.  I’ve been able to juggle my attention to both daughters – while Magdalene sleeps, I spend some quality time reading books to Esther and etc.

Part of me worried about how I would cope with two children while still maintaining my blog and so far I have been able to keep the blogging going. I may have done a blogging cardinal sin last week by posting two sponsored posts within two days, but the posts have been in the pipeline for the last month and I just wanted to get them up and live before my husband went back to work (in case it would be another month before I could write them up).

I’ve had some great advice recently from readers about my blog posts and how to interact with readers on my Facebook page. I didn’t realize blogging was such a big business. In fact, so I can learn more about it and be a better blogger, I have booked myself to go to the Problogger Conference in September on the Gold Coast. I also want to meet some of the bloggers that I read and have become inspired by.

There aren’t many plumbing blogs like mine and I actually have more female readers than male plumber readers. The reason for this is that I can see is that social media and blogging for plumbers is a new era and an area that most plumbers aren’t familiar with (but are starting to). Secondly, women are generally more inclined to read a blog than men. No matter what age or sex, I appreciate all my readers and thankful that you have stopped by. If you ever want to contact me, please interact with me via Facebook, Twitter OR the Contact page on this blog. I have been told that comments sections can attract trolls and hackers. At least with Facebook, Twitter and my Contact page, the comments and accounts can be immediately deleted. I don’t want to delete my blog.

I have so many goals for my blog now that I have read other blogs. One thing I do though is compare readers and Facebook likes with other blogs, but blogging is a journey and no one gets immediate  likers or readers overnight. It takes time and it’s a journey. I’m a bit impatient though. So I will continue to write posts, and not worry about how many times its been shared or ‘liked’.

One thing that I am going to admit to doing is enjoy and savour every moment with my family and not feel guilty if I haven’t uploaded a blog post. I look at Esther and can’t believe how grown up she is. She was my first baby and the time has flown so fast. I am savoring every cuddle with Magdalene and enjoying her newborn smell and tiny form. I feel so blessed to have two daughters and a husband who adores all three of us.

So, The Plumbette might be a bit haphazard with blog posts over the next couple of months as I settle into a routine with two children (is there such a word as ‘routine’ when you have two children?) But I know that my decision is an important one.  I know that I can really increase my blog posts when the girls are in school, but for now, while they are little, I’m going to enjoy every moment with them. Time is short and memories need to be made so that these special times aren’t forgotten.


“The bud of a rose is just as beautiful as the full bloom. Appreciate what you have at the moment.” Anonymous