I feel like it’s been ages since I’ve written a post about our family life. We’ve had so many busy – yet fabulous weekends catching up with family and friends. Parties have been consistent this year, but they truly do make the best childhood memories, so I’m not complaining about my girls being invited to so many.
It’s been wonderful, but also a little exhausting. In my head, I’ve mentally made a note to share about some of what we’ve be up to in a post, but getting around to writing it has been hard of late. The year has been full on and I still don’t feel like I’ve got my rhythm yet. Take it till December and I reckon I will have things down pat before it changes again for a new year! At present, we have no invitations on the fridge for a change. September is always a busy month for Birthdays, but February and March have been ever so busy with parties for little people. So let’s rewind to the 20th February when Maggie turned 4.
Maggie wanted a Tangled themed party so Jacob and I decided to make her cake using strawberry donuts and a cone for the head of the tower.
All the icing and flowers were bought from the baking aisle in Woolworths. I used the Homebrand vanilla cake mix for the base (2 x the mix). The cake was a hit and I was pretty proud of what we created. I themed the food around the movie as well.
Maggie loved it too, and I just love her reaction in this photo.
We then met our niece for the first time after Jacob’s brother and sister-in-law flew up to Queensland. The girls got along so well. We had a lovely weekend catching up and watching the girls interact with each other. If only they didn’t live in Adelaide, we could catch up more often.
Last weekend I headed with mum down to Colour Conference in Sydney. I feel the conference needs a post in itself to share what I came away with. Wait for that post coming soon. It was a great weekend away, not worrying about mum responsibilities. I had a surprise welcome when I got home.
So I’ve been away since early Thursday morning to Sydney to attend Colour Conference and I’ve just come home to a clean…
Posted by The Plumbette on Sunday, March 19, 2017
This weekend has been another party weekend, and I have to say my school mum friends are very clever. My girls have had a ball this weekend going to two separate parties that were run a little differently to previous parties we’ve attended.
Yesterday, we went to celebrate two of Esther’s school friend’s Birthdays at the local park. A Fire Engine was hired to give the kids a ride, a turn spraying the hose and a lesson on how a fire engine works. The kids LOVED it.
Phoebe was more enthusiastic about playing in the spray of the water than actually using the hose. Esther said it was one of the best parties she’d even been to. If you want a no-fuss party idea where you don’t have to organise games and activities, hire a fire truck at Fire 4 Hire. I can guarantee it will be a hit.
Today’s party, we headed to a pony farm where the girls got to have multiple rides on a pony. (Well Phoebe didn’t, she wanted to watch and climb the fence). After the rides, we then got to feed and brush the ponies. It was such a fun morning out and another great party idea that required little organization – apart from supplying some food and cake for the kids afterwards. If you want to hold a similar party, you can find out more information at Mini Mates Minature Horse and Pony Farm.
Even though kid’s parties can be a lot of effort and money to organise, they really do offer the kids a chance to create memories with each other. If I reflect on some of my childhood memories, I can distinctly remember my mum holding a party for me when I was in grade 1. I can’t remember much else from that year but I can remember my party.
A big thank you to the friends who helped celebrate our Maggie’s party and who invited us back to their party. I am so grateful for the wonderful friends my daughter’s have made locally.