Taking Stock Pre-Christmas

The Plumbette taking stock pre-christmas

So much has happened since my last Taking Stock post. I’m going to be in planning mode over the Christmas Holidays, working on key messages I want to share through my blog. I’ve felt I’ve walked away from the main motivation for writing my blog and it’s simply because I’ve been trying to keep up with an array of post ideas, and offer posts that help a large amount of people. But if no one caters for the niche tradies, who will? So I will be choosing days to feature specific posts to cater for those that have followed me for a while and originally came to read about a female plumber sharing her experiences being a plumber. I try to keep a balance of plumbing, personal, building and renovation style posts, but sometimes one area is focused more.

Next year I will be sharing strategies I used to get through a tough career change and what to do when things don’t go as planned in your life. I’m sure the lessons will be for everybody as part of my story. But in the meantime, I’m going to take stock which is a clever post initiative by Pip Lincolne from Meet Me at Mikes.

Making : Christmas Craft. I made this chocolate nativity scene recently which went viral on Facebook. I’ve also been making some copper pipe Christmas decorations.

Chocolate Christmas Nativity Scene

Cooking : Not a lot as I seem to burn it. Two weeks ago I burnt shortbread. Last week I baked cupcakes for our Kindy Christmas Party.

burnt shortbread

Drinking : Water. So much water.

Reading: Blogs and my Bible.

Wanting: Time to stop so I can catch up on all that needs to be done before Christmas.

Looking: For ways to use my time better.

Playing: Taylor Swift on my iPhone. I felt left out that I was the only one in Australia that didn’t go to her concert.

Deciding: What to buy Jacob for Christmas.

Wishing: I was ahead in all areas of life, but most days I feel very behind.

Enjoying: The end of year excitement and anticipation of Christmas.

Waiting: For the school holiday tantrums.

Liking: The cooler nights of late in Brisbane

Wondering: How Esther will go at school next year. She will be my first in Prep.

Loving: My family. Nothing beats time with Family at this time of year.

Pondering: What next year has in store.

Considering: What personal pursuits I invest my time in next year.

Buying: School Uniforms and Christmas Presents. It’s a very expensive time of year.

Watching: All the Christmas movies like Elf and The Polar Express.

Hoping: I can get a head of schedule so I can relax earlier before Christmas.

Marvelling: How much my girls have grown this year.

grown up girls

Cringing: Listening to myself on podcast. I can’t listen to myself and had to ask Jacob to listen and give me feedback.

Needing: To lose some kilos. It can wait till after Christmas.

Questioning: Why has Christmas arrived so fast this year?

Smelling: Lavender Peace. An essential oil that keeps the peace in our house.

Wearing: Bohemian Traders. Can’t get enough of their t-shirt dresses.

Following: The weather, keeping a watch for storm season.

Noticing: The shops are getting crazy.

Knowing: I need to go to bed earlier, but I end up going late which makes it hard to get up in the morning.

Thinking: How can I keep the girls entertained during the day, out of the heat.

Pompom Christmas Trees

Admiring: All the Christmas Lights this year.

Sorting: Christmas presents and existing toy stocks to make room for new presents.

Getting: Excited by all the end of year get-togethers and parties.

Bookmarking: This blog planner which will help me with my work next year.

Coveting: Nothing.

Disliking: The heat.

Opening: Bills. Why do they come right before Christmas?

Giggling: At Esther talk to Siri on my Mobile Phone. ‘It’s Esther. Rebecca’s girl. I’m not Rebecca. Rebecca is my mum.’ LOL!

Feeling: Tired. I’m looking forward to time away from the computer over Christmas.

Mum and Phoebe

Snacking: Chocolate and pretzels. The best Christmas snack combo.

Helping: Stuff the Bus: our church initiative to assist those that are doing it tough this Christmas.

Hearing: Christmas carols. The good, the bad and the ugly.

How are you feeling this December? Looking forward to Christmas?

I’m linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT.

If you want to take part, just copy and paste this list into a post.

Making :

Cooking :

Drinking :





































