

Life has flown like a whirlwind in the past week and a bit. We celebrated Magdalene’s first Birthday with a family dinner on the night of her special day and a small party on Saturday. I managed to only invite 6 families because that’s all my pregnant body and brain can cope with at the moment.  ( I will share photos on the blog tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday)

On the Thursday of Magdalene’s birthday, I had to work. It was finishing off a bathroom reno that had been started last year.  I had to sit down for half the job because the heat was not doing me any favours. And I’m still suffering from morning sickness. It’s starting to ease but I still to throw up at random times which has meant a lot of mad dashes to the toilet or sadly catching the contents of my stomach with my hands because it comes up unexpectedly.

We bought a new car on Saturday, which turned out to be stressful because the car we had decided on and budgeted on had sold out Australia wide. A good friend was able to source a demo for us which wasn’t exactly what we wanted, but still covered all our needs.

And while my life was focused around birthday parties and buying a car, I was saddened to read the news of Charlotte Dawson’s passing. I only knew of her, like most Australians, by her celebrity status and the fact that she was subjected to cruel online bullying. Her legacy will be that she fought against the trolls that wanted to bring her down. Her passing was a sad reminder that the world we live in can be so cruel and that people can be so evil to each other. And that good mental health is something to be grateful for.

We never truly know what someone is going through until we take the time to listen and be observant of their behavior. But life can sometimes be so busy or we can be so focused on the needs of our own life that we become ignorant of those around us.

Today’s blog post is going to be short and sweet.  Mainly because I’m tired and also because I have a three year old asking me if she can have egg toast for breakfast. But if I can take a few things away from the events in the last week, they would be this; I need to protect my mind by what goes in and what comes out by meditating on Godly values and to be intentional with my close relationships so that I can be a reliable friend if life crumbles for another.

How has your week been?  I love reading your comments. 🙂