ekoWorx on Shower Screens – The Verdict

ekoworx on shower screens the verdict

Since the start of the year, I’ve given my cleaning habits a bit of a shake-up by using ekoWorx. I’ve used it to clean my oven, clean the bathroom vanity and taps, my floors and the windows around the house. But one area I was interested in was using ekoWorx on shower screens.

ekoWorx worked on my oven

I have a double shower, and our shower screen is the full width of our ensuite. It’s a big screen to keep clean. I have used CLR and got good results – but it didn’t work for me on the shower screen in my previous property, so I have still been on the hunt to find the best shower screen cleaner. I was eager to try ekoWorx, to see if it would do a better job.

Trialing ekoWorx on the shower screen

I trialed ekoworx on one of the side panel screens on Jacob’s side of the shower, which you can see has water marks and soap scum. I used the cloth and the spray on the dry screen as was detailed on their videos, and it didn’t take many of the water marks away.

dirty shower screen

So I used the diamond sponge and gave it a gentle scrub. The scrub made the glass a little streaky – giving it nearly a pearlescent affect on the screen.

ekoworx on the shower screen

I grabbed my dry, white cloth and used this to wipe down the streaks and the screen came up good.

after using ekoWorx on the shower screen
After using ekoWorx

EkoWorx have said in their videos that their product won’t take away deep calcium build up that penetrates the glass screens. There are some patches where calcium build up hasn’t come off at the bottom of my shower screen.

clean shower screens using ekoWorx

The other thing to mention is there are scratches on our shower screen from using the diamond sponge. These aren’t super noticeable, but they are on the screen if you look closely.

The hardest part about cleaning with ekoWorx is changing my habits from when I’ve cleaned a wet shower. You must have a dry shower to clean the screens and the tiles. I find the afternoon or night time is the best time to clean it as it’s had all day to dry from the morning showers.

Overall, I’ve been happy with my purchase. But my favourite areas to use EkoWorx are on the floors, the oven and windows and mirrors around the house. My floors look cleaner than they have ever been with ekoWorx, so I’m glad I invested in the mop.

Have you used ekoWorx yet? How have you found it on your shower screens?

If you enjoyed this post, you might like to read how I cleaned my shower screens with CLR

CLR to clean shower screens and tiles