33 Things I’m Thankful For

33 things i know

I often get reflective when my Birthday rolls around. I usually share things I’ve learned, but for today’s post I wanted to share 33 things I’m thankful for.

It’s easy to live life without stopping to think how truly blessed we are. Even when things aren’t going our way or we get caught up in some sort of drama, there is always something to be thankful for.

Since today is my Birthday, I thought it would be fitting to share 33 things I’m thankful for. I’m sure I can think of many more things, but these are the things I can think of right now, in no particular order.

33 things I'm thankful for

33 Things I’m Thankful For

1. My health. I’m thankful for my good health. I may have a few extra kgs that I should lose, but overall, my health is in good order. I could always eat more veggies and fruit and do more exercise, but overall, I’m well enough to be able to work and live life to its fullest.

2. My husband. We’ve been married over 12 years and I’m thankful I pursued him all those years ago when I was 17. Our relationship has flourished, but not without work. We’re each other’s best friend and supporter. We have an equal partnership and I’m truly blessed to have Jacob by my side.

Jacob and the plumbette

3. My children. I love the three girls God has blessed me with. Each one of my daughters is beautiful and my life would be dull without them. They teach me how to be a better person every day.

my daughters

4. My house. When Jacob and I first bought our house around 9 years ago, it was fairly empty. Now it’s filled to the brim with kids and toys. I’m so thankful we took a risk and pushed ourselves to purchase a bigger home. A place we can make memories and feel secure in.

5. Family. It’s a blessing my girls have been able to meet or have relationships with their grandparents and great grandparents. Even though some live interstate, they are only a call away for support.

6. Church. I’m thankful we attend a church that helps us grow in our faith. I love that my girls are the eager ones, not wanting to miss going to church on Sunday. I love their childlike faith in God. I love how they question and come to their own conclusion about what they hear. It’s my prayer they get to know Jesus in a personal way, but this is something I will never force on them, but I will guide them as I feel led to do.

7. Friends. I’m so grateful for friends who love me warts and all and have my best interests at heart. I love the friendships I’ve made in the season I’m in.

8. My blogs. I write this blog and Styled by Bec. I love sharing what I learn and what I know. I love that my plumbing experience can be called upon to help others who are wanting to get into a trade or are seeking a solution to their plumbing problem. With Styled by Bec, I enjoy sharing my outfits and helping others find their own style.

9. My writing work. When I’m not writing my blogs, I write for Be a Fun Mum, Mums Lounge, Go Ask Mum, Mumtastic and I guest post for various brands, sharing my plumbing expertise. I am so thankful for the work I get to do each week. It tests my knowledge and writing skills. It can be a tough juggle, but it gives me the flexibility to be the mum I’d always dreamed to be.

10. Esther’s school. I love the vibe at Esther’s school, the friends we’ve both made and the teachers. I’m grateful the school is within walking distance from our home.

11. Maggie’s Kindy. I love Maggie’s Kindy and I’m thankful for the teachers and all the things she gets to learn there. I love being involved on the committee and making decisions about certain parts of the Kindy. It’s an investment for when Phoebe eventually attends there.

12. Phoebe’s Daycare. I wasn’t sure how Phoebe would transition to one day a week at daycare, but she loves it and the teachers there have been fantastic. I love Phoebe’s confidence when walking into daycare. She knows she is loved and has the best time, while I get to do my work.

13. doTERRA Oils. I’m thankful for my good friend Reeda for reaching out to me when I was going through a difficult time. She sent me some oils on a hunch that they would help me. They have. I use them daily. I love diffusing the oils and using them to help me when I feel overwhelmed and stressed. (if you want to know more about this, let me know)

14. Living in Brisbane. Every time I go away, I’m always thankful for returning home to Brisbane. I’ve lived here all my life and love this city.

Brisbane city

15. Having the internet. So thankful for the internet. Without it, I wouldn’t have a job or blog!

16. Hot showers and baths. I’m grateful my trade allows me to install either one, but I’m even more thankful to enjoy using them.

17. Toilets that flush. Not much more needs to be said.

18. Filtered cold water through my Zip Tap. This would have to be my most favourite kitchen appliance. I can’t live without my Zip chilled and boiling water tap.

19. Instant hot water through a tap.

20. Clean cold water through a tap.

21. Clothes. I have many clothes and I sometimes get sent some for free because of my fashion blog. I never take for granted the new clothes I receive.

22. A car. We only have one car and it gets a good work out. I’m grateful we got a 7 seater because it’s allowed me to pick up extra kids from school or pick-up friends when heading on an excursion.

23. The opportunities I get from blogging. I’m super grateful for the opportunities of attending events because of my blog. I sometimes pinch myself when I attend these events.

24. Blogging friends. I’ve made very close friends because of my blog. I love the constant support from these friends too. A little shout out to Renee Mummy Wife Me, Lauren Create Bake Make, Janet Middle Aged Mama and Kelly Be a Fun Mum. There are countless others who have been so supportive over the years too (it would take a long blog post to thank everyone), but these lovely ladies have been pivotal to my blogging journey right from the start.

Blogging Friends
This was at the end of a night of chatting. Can you tell I’m a little tired?

25. Mobile phone. I can’t live without it! Great for social media and keeping in touch with everyone.

26. Social Media. I have mixed feelings about this, but I’m grateful for a platform that allows me to share my blog for free, even if only a tenth of you see my posts.

27. My hair straightener. My hair would be lost without it.

28. Chocolate. No explanation needed.

29. Netflix. Awesome for kids, and a great way for me to unwind with Jacob. LOVING Outlander at the moment.

30. Flannelette sheets in winter. Oh so cosy!

31. Gut feelings. This might sound weird, but I’m thankful for my gut feelings. They’ve served me well over the years, and sometimes I’ve kicked myself when I haven’t listened to my gut more.

32. Pedicures and facials. My ultimate way to relax and fall asleep!!

33. You, my blog readers. Without you, I wouldn’t have a blog. Thank you so much for coming here to read what I share. You never know what you get on this blog these days – a post about faith, personal circumstances, plumbing, interiors, family, styling and recipes…. The Plumbette has turned into a lifestyle blog, but you continue to come and read what I share and I thank you for it.

Back in February, I clocked over 5 years of writing The Plumbette. The last five years of blogging have been incredible. And I’m looking forward to many more years of blogging. I’m super excited by new avenues the blog has allowed me to explore.

Since I missed celebrating my blogging anniversary, and because it’s my Birthday, I will have a few giveaways as a way to thank you for being part of my journey.

The giveaway planned for this week is an exciting one. If you’re building or renovating, you will want to look out for this week’s giveaway.

If you enjoyed this post, why not write down all the things you’re grateful for? Once you get writing, you can’t stop. Well I couldn’t. I’ve just thought of 10 more things!!

On that note, I’m thankful today is my Birthday and I get to spend it with my family.

I’m off to have some Mandarin Meringue Pie. And chocolate.

Have a blessed Sunday.