And So We Start Another School and Kindy Year

school and kindy year

And So We Start Another School and Kindy Year

How fast did those six weeks of school holidays roll around? Admittedly, last week I was ready for my girls to go somewhere because the fighting and screaming was doing my head in. Having one child at home was looking much more appealing than having all three home. I think my girls were looking forward to a new change this week anyway because you do fun stuff at school and Kindy anyway.

This year I have two drop offs and I have to manage my timing well because of course the start times and finish times are the same. Thank goodness for my school mum friends who will be able to help out if I get stuck.

The day started with Esther getting up early (5am) excited about getting ready for school and tackling her morning jobs. A new chore chart has been put on the fridge and I’m hoping it will motivate my girls to get themselves ready and to clean their mess while I negotiate breakfast, lunches and school bags. It worked today.

Despite Phoebe not going anywhere today, she had to look the part and so we packed her a lunch and gave her a bag to carry. She was more than happy to pose for the photos.




Talking about lunchboxes… ugh. Jacob usually packs these for me while I do work, but this morning I wanted to do them for their first day back. Maggie was adamant she would NOT eat the grapes or cheese and to please pack crackers, yoghurt, strawberries and a Vegemite ‘Samwich’.

Esther was less fussy but now hates strawberries because she ate them every day last year.

Phoebe didn’t care what she had packed, just so long as she had a lunchbox like her sisters.

We pack the girls lunches in Bento style lunchboxes because they like to eat a selection of different foods and I find the compartments easy to fill. The segregated sections also stop dry biscuits getting soggy from the condensation from their fruit.

The first drop off was for Esther. If she was nervous, she didn’t show it. I think she was happy to find her desk and get on with the day.

at school


esther school

Next was Maggie and I was excited to see her excited about being dropped off. There were no emotions from me or from Maggie when we followed the somewhat familiar routine of signing her in.

Maggie with Daddy


Maggie with Mummy

After her full day of Kindy she proudly showed me her first painting, her empty lunchbox and was eager to tell me how she loved EVERYTHING about Kindy. She also told me about her first disaster: Her ice-pack in her insulated lunch bag had burst pouring ‘booger water’ everywhere. Jacob and I couldn’t stop laughing at her description of the leak.

Phoebe constantly asked where Maggie was throughout the day which made me smile because I remember Maggie doing the exact same thing when Esther went to Kindy. It’s such a new experience being the only child home and not having a sibling home to play with.

But as soon as we got home, Phoebe jumped on the couch and asked to watch ‘Ickle Pickle please’, happy to have the TV and Netflix to herself.

As a mum to young children, you often dream about the day they go to school and kindy, and when it finally comes you can feel emotional about the new season. It really does come around fast, but rather than feel sad  I’m excited about what this year holds for all of our girls. We are so ready for new learning and new experiences. The baby years are well and truly behind us. I’m grateful for them, but certainly happy to have them behind me.

school time

Now all that’s left is to toilet train Phoebe and transfer her from a cot to a bed. Wish me luck on those fronts.

How did your kids go at school today? When do your kids go back to school? Are you excited about this new season?