Easter Bunny Chocolate Hutch

Easter Bunny Chocolate Hutch

Easter is a special time of year for me spiritually and personally. I love the traditions that surround Easter, despite them often overshadowing the reason Easter is celebrated. With the popularity of my Chocolate Nativity Scene, I thought about creating something for Easter. This is not the first time I’ve attempted a chocolate Easter recipe. Last year I shared my chocolate mousse, served in a copper plumbing fitting.

It’s the chocolate season of the year so I decided to make these Easter Bunny Chocolate Hutches which make a great Easter gift for family and friends. It’s a lot less difficult than the nativity scene, but does require to be made on a coolish day to avoid your fingers melting the chocolate as your put the hutch together.

Easter bunny chocolate hutch

What you will need:

1 Pack of Changs Noodles

1 Mini Lindt Chocolate Egg ( I bought two in case one of my girl’s decided to steal one)

2 Packs of Lindt Block Chocolate

1 Pack of chocolate melts

1 Chocolate Flake


Easter Bunny Chocolate hutch


Break the two blocks of chocolate so you have 2 squares in length and width to create the base and roof. Melt half of the chocolate melts in the microwave. (I do 20 second bursts to avoid burning the chocolate)

Easter Bunny Chocolate Hutch

Use a knife to spread melted chocolate across each side and create a triangle shape. Place this in the freezer to set.

Easter Bunny Chocolate Hutch

Once the chocolate hutch is set, place your mini bunny in the hutch and decorate with noodles (for straw) and flake for decoration.

Chocolate hutch easter bunny

Easter bunny chocolate hutch

Easter Bunny Chocolate hutch

You can wrap the hutch up in cellophane and tie a ribbon so it can be given as a gift.

Easter Bunny Chocolate hutch

Easter Bunny Chocolate hutch wrapped up

Do you know anyone who’d love to receive one of these for Easter?

I’m linking up with With Some Grace for FYBF.