30 Ways to Save Water at Home

30 ways to save water at home the plumbette

A couple of years ago, I was asked to write a guest post sharing ways to save water around the home. I came up with 16 ways, and in this post, I’ve come up with 30 ways to save water inside and outside your house.

Saving water and using only what you need is not only a sustainable practice, it can shave a few dollars off your water bill.

Our kids love water. They love drinking it, playing in it, and jumping in it when they come across a puddle.

Water is a necessity, but it must be used wisely and sometimes we can take for granted what easily comes through a tap.

As part of a water wise presentation I did at my daughter’s Kindy, I put together a list of 30 ways to save water in and around the home.

Some of these practices may need a bit of investment up front (installing a tank, hooking it up to the toilet and washing machine etc), but the list does offer a good start in thinking about ways to save water and how to use it responsibly.

I created an infographic, well two actually, which can be pinned or printed and placed on the fridge or in the bathroom.

When I did the water wise session earlier this week, each family received one of these laminated so it could be put somewhere to remind everyone, it doesn’t take a lot to save water.

30 ways to save water at home the plumbette

30 Ways to Save Water


1. Install dual flush toilets.

2. Use the right flush! Half flush for Wee, Full Flush for Poos. If you want to let it mellow if it’s yellow, go ahead, but your toilet bowl may need a good clean afterwards.

3. Install water saving aerators on tap spouts.

4. Turn the water off when brushing teeth. Use a cup to rinse instead.

5. Same with washing hands. Turn water off between using soap and then rinsing.

6. Have 4 minute showers.

7. Shower with someone.

8. Catch the cold water from the shower (while waiting for the hot water) and use this to water plants.

9. Bath the kids in one bath instead of separate baths.

10. Wash face with a wet wash cloth instead of leaving the water running.

11. Get a plumber to replace the washers as soon as a drip is noticed on the taps.

12. Install a water saving shower rose.

13. Only put on full loads of washing.


14. Put Dishwasher on when full.

15. Wash-up once per day – leave all non-dishwashing safe utensils for night time.

16. Use a bowl of water to rinse fruit and vegetables.

17. Use old kettle water to fill sink for washing up or watering the plants (once cooled)

18. Use water for boiling vegetables to water plants.

19. Refill a drink bottle instead of leaving cups of water around the house.

20. Avoid using a garbage grinder. Put scraps of food in a compost or in bin. Garbage Grinders in sinks require water to wash down the grinded scraps.

30 ways to save water outside home the plumbette


21. Install a rain water tank and get the water to be connected to your toilet, laundry and outdoor hose taps.

22. Have less lawn and more gardens filled with succulents or plants that can withhold drought conditions.

23. Restrict water play in summer to a couple of days. Instead of water play, consider using dried rice for sensory play.

24. Check all your hose taps outside and ensure they don’t drip when turned off or when in use attached to a hose. Hose taps can be easily replaced if they drip or their washers can be changed.

25. Wash car with tank water or the bucket of water saved from the shower.

26. If your water bowl for your dog needs changing, chuck the water on the garden rather than down the drain.

27. Water plants late in the afternoon or early in the morning to avoid evaporation.

28. If you don’t have a wheel barrow, catch rain water in buckets or a wheel barrow. Use this to water garden when needed or for kid’s water play.

29. Wash driveway with a broom, rather than a hose.

30. Always check water meter for unusual water movements. Look closely at your water bill to see if there has been a dramatic increase in water usage. If there is, you could have water leak.

Of course, I had wanted to add ‘drink champagne’ – but not everyone likes champagne…

Can you think of other ways to save water around the home? What do you do to save water at home?