Book your Plumber now before the Christmas Rush!


Christmas is less than 12 weeks away, so if you are planning on getting a plumber in to do some work, now is the time to book them in – especially if you want the job to be done before Christmas.


Generally, commercial plumbers and building firms close down for 2 to 4 weeks over the Christmas period. Domestic plumbers generally do too because of school holidays and it’s the one time of the year where the industry closes down for a much needed break. This year, Christmas holidays will start from Monday 24th December 2012 until the first couple of weeks in January 2013.


Due to work being slow for parts of the year, some trades may choose to work through Christmas if they are able to win projects that need to be completed over the holiday period.


Unfortunately, it happens every year, that clients leave it to the last minute to ring a plumber – which then causes a mad rush to get jobs completed before Christmas.


If you know you are going to have guests over for Christmas and you really want to get your bathroom renovated or your toilets replaced etc, ring a plumber now and don’t delay thinking you have plenty of time. Everyone else is thinking the same thing and will ring at the same time and it will be the first in, first served strategy that will determine if your work gets done prior to Christmas.


Book your plumber now before the Christmas Rush.


Are you organized when it comes to plumbing maintenance at home or do you leave it to the last minute?