Flexi Hose Alternative: Prevent Flexi Hose Blow Outs with No Blows™

Flex Hose Alternative: Prevent Flexi Hose Blow Outs with No Blows™

Remove the risk of a burst flexi hose by replacing the flexi hose tails on your taps with No Blows™. It’s the flexi hose alternative.

Burst flexi hoses continue to affect houses Australia wide.

While their risks have been explained on the news and by plumbers around Australia, they continue to cause damage inside homes.

There is either complacency in checking the flexi hoses regularly when rust or fraying develops on the hose (indicating it needs to be replaced asap). Or people are simply still unaware of the risk in their home.

If you’ve had the inconvenience of dealing with the aftermath of a burst flexi hose, you’d do all measures to prevent one from happening in your home.

It’s generally the flexi hose tails of mixer taps that are the culprit in blowing out, causing significant water damage to a home.

But this may be a thing of the past with the invention of the No Blows™ tap tail connector.

Prevent a burst flexi hose by installing a No Blows copper adapter





Developed using high grade, quality, lead free, certified materials and tested at over 2000kpa, No Blows™ has been engineered to AUS/NZ standards and designed to replace the flexi tap tails on taps, which are notorious for bursting.

No Blows the flexi hose alternative






It’s estimated that 22,000 flexi hose tap tail connectors fail every year, resulting in millions of dollars in damages to homes around Australia. Replacing your flexis with a copper No Blows™ will reduce that statistic.

This innovative product is one all plumbers should have on stock in their vehicles.

If you’re a homeowner, it might by the best decision you make to replace your flexis with a No Blows™.

Head to No Blows™ website for more information. This product needs to be installed by a licensed plumber so best to discuss with your plumber for installation.

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