The Reece Grant Helps Tradies Help The Less Fortunate – Applications Open Now

Reece Grant 2016

This post has been written in collaboration with Reece Plumbing Australia

Have you ever been to a third world country and realized just how blessed you are to live in the country you do? I had this experience when I was 20 years old.

I had the opportunity to travel to Uganda with a team from my church to help build an orphanage through the Watoto program. It was a trip of a lifetime – not because I was finally going to Africa but because I really wanted to jolt my first world reality and learn to never take for granted the basic services that we really do take for granted in Australia.

Uganda Mission

The trip was life changing. You can read about it here. That was over 12 years ago. I still have a desire to help those who are less fortunate than myself. As a family, we sponsor a child and donate to causes we feel passionate about. I also believe in the power of prayer.

It’s always been one of my dreams to take a team of tradies to help build much needed amenities to communities that are without basic sanitation and water supplies. I still hold that dream close to my heart and I’m not sure on the timing of when that dream will come to pass. I’ve always wanted to use my skills in a way to help those in need. And there are always needs within our community and around the world that we can assist with.

One cause that I was blown away by last year was the Reece Grant. I’ve always had a positive relationship with Reece and its managers because they were always supportive of me when I did my apprenticeship and when I helped dad with his business.

Justin Reece Grant 2015

The Reece Grant awards up to $25,000 to support community water projects here and abroad.

The initiative was launched last year where three plumbers received grants to help fund international projects in East Timor, India and Philippines. I loved that these tradesmen took their children so they too could have an experience of a lifetime.

Justin Morris was one of the plumbers from 2015 who received a Reece Grant of $15,000 towards his health and sanitation project in India. The Reece customer partnered with We Can’t Wait Foundation and put the money towards the construction of toilet facilities and sanitation education in schools in Nasik, India. You can check out how Justin used his grant here.

The Reece Grant is a campaign that aims to offer financial assistance to their tradie customers who are passionate about improving the quality of life within underprivileged communities. The tradies must have a Reece plumbing account and the projects are specifically about providing clean water or improving the sanitation services in less developed communities.

The Reece Grant initiative is open again for 2016, where grants up to $25,000 are available for three tradie who are passionate about making a different through a water related project.

The grant can be funds or products to assist with the project. Now is the time to apply as entries close 30th September 2016.

Reece Grant 2016

This post has been written in accordance with my disclosure policy.

Have you ever been to a third world country or less developed community? Ever been motivated to help those less fortunate? In what way?