Easy Habits To Save Money on Your Water Bill

Easy Habits To Save Money on Your Water Bill

If you’re looking for tips to save money on your water bill, these easy habits are going to help. Make it a simple to save water every day. 

Since writing my post last week about the Cape Town water crisis, I’ve personally reflected on our household water usage.

Like most people, I often take for granted the water that comes through my tap.

But when you think of the plight of others where water is scarce, it can make you think twice about how you use water around the home.

Like any homeowner, I do look at our bills and compare the costs from the previous quarter.

Our recent water bill from Queensland Urban Utilities was lower than last quarter, and from the same quarter last year. So what did we do to reduce the usage and what can you do to save money on your next water bill?

Last night I shared some tips on what we do as a household with Alison Ariotti from Channel Nine News. You can check out the video below. Queensland Urban Utilities also shared some DIY changes you can do to use less water, without even thinking about it.

And really, that is what it comes down to. Looking at your habits. Considering what you use water for and what rooms use the most. Start new habits or put devices in place which will make it easy for you to start saving water today.

Here are some easy habits to adopt if you’re looking for ways to save money on your next water bill.

Easy Habits To Save Money on Your Water Bill

easy ways to save money on your water bill

1. Install Water Saving Aerators On All Tap Spouts

Water saving aerators can be purchased from your local plumbing store (you need to check if you require male or female aerators before you head out).

You simply remove the existing aerator on your tap spout and replace it with a water saving one.

These will reduce the amount of water flowing through the spout every time the tap is used.

Most new taps will have a standard 3 Star WELS rating (or better) with an automatic reduced flow, but aerators are a great way to reduce the flow on older taps, or further on new taps, if needed.

2. Change to a Water Saving Shower Head

I’ve again written about this before. Did you know that you’re better off installing a water saving shower head, and standing longer under the shower than restricting your shower time using a standard shower head? I explain more in this post. But to explain further:

If you use an unrestricted shower head that uses approximately 20 Litres of water for 4 minutes, you will use 80 Litres of water. But if you use a restricted shower head (9 Litres per minute) for 8 minutes, you will still have only used 72 Litres, which is still 8 litres less than having a shorter shower with a standard shower head.

So it’s better to use a restricted shower rose and still enjoy a longer shower (if it’s warranted). And the best one to use is from Con-Serv as it doesn’t compromise on pressure.

con-serv stream jet shower
Con-Serv Stream Jet

3. Empty Half-filled Cups or Water Bottles Over Indoor Plants

Whenever you turn your tap on, you’ve paid for that water that has come through the spout. So half-full drunk bottles, cups and even water you’ve used in paddling pools, is water that you’ve paid for and should be re-used.

I tip all the half-full water bottles on my indoor plants and in the oil diffusers around my home. The water is usually room temperature and has been filtered through our Zip Tap. I try not to pour unused water down the sink. I’ve found I’m quite set in my ways now with this.

4. Increase Your Steps and Walk Around Your Home for Dripping Taps

Once a month, it’s good to walk around your home to check for dripping taps. Don’t forget the hose taps outside. They are notorious for dripping. A good indicator if the hose tap is dripping is to check the ground. If the grass greener or the pavement is damp, this is a sign of a leaking hose tap.

Get leaking taps fixed as soon as they are identified. A leaking tap can be a real drain to your water bill.

5. Teach Kids How to Save Water

Teaching kids how to be mindful about their water usage is important too. We get our girls not to have the water on while brushing their teeth and make sure they know which button on the toilet is used for number ones and number twos.

Bec on TV save water slash bills

6. Timed Showers and Baths

Depending on the season of your family, bathing the little kids together will save water and money.

As kids get older and develop, they will want to shower alone. For some kids, the shower is the last place they want to go. While this is great for saving water and money, it ain’t great for hygiene.

Use a timer for the showers. The restricted shower head really helps with this if the shower time is extensive.

7. Wash Full Loads of Washing

This is not hard to do with our family as I’m constantly washing clothes. I rarely wash a half load, if ever. Full loads are done daily in our home and this saves water for us.

We use  a top loader washing machine which uses a lot of water. If you have an appliance which draws more water than other efficient appliances, rethink your habits when using it to save water as best as possible.

8. Use the Dishwasher

A dishwasher was a game changer for our household. We make sure, like the washing machine, it’s only ever put on with a full load. We still wash up some items which can’t be put in the dishwasher, but we don’t fill the sink to the brim, only half way.

If you’re looking for more ways to save water, you can check out this post on 30 ways to save water around the home.

We saved $30 from our last water bill – which may not seem a lot, but if you multiplied that by four quarters, that’s $120 and it could have gone towards… a date night or a new dress.

My best advice is make it easy to save water by starting new habits and using devices that don’t make you think twice when turning on the tap.

Do you compare your water bills? How do you save water to slash your water bills? Were you able to catch Phoebe and I on Channel Nine last night?

Special thanks to Channel 9 Queensland for the feature on their water saving story last night.