A Most Unlikely Shower


I hosted a baby shower for my best friend on Saturday and her and her mum told me a funny story. I had to share it with you!

We’ll call my best friend Kate and her mum Jane. Jane and her husband are living in a caravan on Main Beach. They sold their house so that they could live the ‘grey nomad’ dream and travel around Australia. At the moment, due to Jane’s husband’s work contract, they are parked at Main Beach. Kate lives in Sydney and only moved there a year ago. Since her mum lives in a caravan and her husband’s family live in Sydney, I offered to host a baby shower in my home. (I know, how awesome am I?)

So Jane and Kate are getting food prepped in their caravan. They have a relaxed breakfast at McDonalds and a leisurely chat back at the Caravan Park. They look at the time and realize it’s time to have a shower to get ready for the party. (my house is atleast 1 hour from Main Beach)

They head to the showers and…. they are closed for an hour for cleaning! Had they known this, they would have had their showers earlier! They think of their options of what to do. They could just drive up to my house and have a shower there, or… they could use the beach showers!

So off they went in their togs, shampooing their hair, lathering themselves in soap and washing themselves off under a COLD BEACH SHOWER.

Kate admits, she did it all the time when her family would camp over Christmas holidays.

It would have been a funny sight to see, a mother and daughter having their morning shower in broad daylight.

This is why I don’t go camping and hearing this story adds further confirmation to my dislike!

Have you ever had a most unlikely shower?