Time Flies And A Toilet Seat Plane That Hasn’t Yet!

What's a toilet seat plane without toilet rolls??

Is it me or has this year flown really fast? I can’t believe that next week is May! May?! Didn’t we just start a new year? Time flies when you’re having fun, and fun is what I have been having with my little family and latest addition.

I am enjoying every day as I manage my family of four. I haven’t been blogging as much lately because I don’t want to miss a moment with my newborn and I have been spending time changing a few things on my blog and visualizing what I want to achieve with it over the coming year.

Can you see that I have added a comments section below? It’s been a long time coming, but it means I can interact with those readers who aren’t on social media. So please comment. I want to hear from you and I apologise in advance if I don’t respond to your comments straight away.

Another milestone in my blog is adding Google Analytics so that I can find out where you come from and I generally assumed that most of you came from Brisbane, because I work as a plumber in Brisbane, but most of you come from Sydney! I love Sydney! I feel incredibly excited and humbled that you read my blog. The most unusual places I have had readers come from are Columbia, South Africa and Ireland!

Of course, while I have been tending to my family, the maintenance calls haven’t stopped coming through to my mobile and I’ve enjoyed reconnecting with old clients and passing the jobs onto my dad while I enjoy my maternity leave. Thankfully, it hasn’t been too busy for dad to handle.

One job that my dad has been working on, which is plumbing related but has nothing to do with work is a toilet seat plane. My dad builds and flies remote control air planes at Tingalpa Model Aero Club (TMAC). The TMAC holds flying expos and competitions throughout the year and the most recent competition was Unusual Model day which was to build a plane out of anything and get it to fly on competition day.

What's a toilet seat plane without toilet rolls??
What’s a toilet seat plane without toilet rolls??

So my dad decided to build this toilet seat plane. It was by far the most popular design of the day and the jokes were aplenty. Some too rude for me to mention on this blog. My husband’s was the best with ‘let’s hope this plane doesn’t leave skiddies when it lands on the runway…’

Sadly it didn’t. It went along the runway but didn’t have enough engine power to lift off the ground to fly. The rules of the competition state you can’t fly your model until the day of the competition, so dad wasn’t to know that he needed a bigger engine to get the plane going.

But there is next year and the model that won this year’s competition didn’t fly last year because of similar technical issues. So here’s hoping next year will be the year that the toilet seat plane will fly. Of course you will be the first to know when it does.

What do you think of the design of this toilet seat plane?