What a blocked sewer looks like

how to fix smelly drains

WARNING This post may make you sick! Look at your own risk!

I uploaded this image years ago when I was an apprentice plumber on my Facebook page to the disgust and admiration of some of my friends. I titled the picture “This is why plumbers get paid big bucks”.

This was a blocked sewer chamber that my dad and I came across when we were finishing off renovating the bathrooms at QLD Transport in Beenleigh.

The toilets weren’t flushing properly and backing up, so dad lifted the manhole outside the toilets and this is what we saw…

blocked sewer


The sewer man hole was clearly very blocked. (I have been told by some plumbers that they have been to manholes where the sewerage is OVERFLOWING out of the man hole. eww eww EWW!) Dad unblocked this chamber using rods which can be attached to each other to make a long plunger. Sometimes the force of the plunge can snatch the rods out of your hands. This is why my dad unblocked the chamber because he was more experienced and he wanted to save me the embarrassment of getting sucked into the chamber and covered in poo. Such a gentleman my dad is.

I didn’t take a picture of what the chamber should look like when it’s cleared, but dad did clear it and the toilets started flushing fine.

I was glad we both walked away unscathed. Oh and the smell? It reeked. Lifting that lid was like bursting an atomic fart bomb balloon.

Plumbers are worth their weight in gold I tell you when they deal with crap like this.

Linking up with Ms Mystery Case and My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday.