6 Ways to Style Fresh Herbs in Your Kitchen

6 ways to style herbs in the kitchen

When we bought our current house, Jacob went straight to work to build an outdoor vegetable garden, next to our kitchen. Despite it being close by, I often forget about using the herbs that we grow there to add extra flavour to our meals. Having fresh herbs on hand in the kitchen is not only a great way to ensure you have the flavours on hand to season a meal, they can also add an instant style update to your kitchen. I’ve found 6 ways to style fresh herbs in your kitchen, to give you some inspiration on how you can incorporate this trend in your own cooking space.

6 ways to style fresh herbs in your kitchen1. Vertical wall garden planter

A vertical wall garden is an easy, unobtrusive way to grown herbs in the kitchen. Of course you’ll need a spare wall to hang the garden, but this idea is great if you have limited bench space and adds a fresh look to your kitchen interior.


2. Mason jars

Mason jar wall planters are a different take on the vertical wall garden. Use timber slats to fasten each jar, and label each jar, so you know which herb you’re adding. Not only does it look fabulous, it’s within arm’s reach from the kitchen bench.


3. Vertical shelf

A vertical shelf garden is an unobtrusive, cleverly designed space to grow herbs. This is a custom made feature in the kitchen, so won’t work for all kitchen spaces, but it’s still very cool and again, within reach while cooking.


4. Planted in the kitchen bench

This idea is another custom made project, which we’ve seen on The Block. While it looks fabulous, this idea won’t suit a lot of kitchen spaces, especially if bench space is limited.


5. On the windowsill

This is the perfect location for your herbs, as they do still need some light for growth. Use simple terracotta pots or fabric planters to suit the style of your kitchen.


6. In pots, on the bench

It’s simple and no fuss, but adds instant colour and interest to a small, white kitchen. To maximize bench space, use smaller plant pots.

To ensure your herbs thrive and grow, you need to make sure your kitchen is bright and has good air circulation. In spring and summer, the herbs will need a liquid fertilizer every 4 weeks. Check the state of the soil to know when to water your herbs. We typically water our herbs every couple of days and rotate them from the cooking bench to the sink bench so they can receive light for growth.
The best herbs to grow indoors are Basil, Bay Leaves, Chives, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Rosemay, Sage and Thyme. There may be other herbs that can grow indoors, just check their light requirements before purchasing.

Do you grow herbs? How do you style fresh herbs in your kitchen?