How to create a ‘His’ Bathroom


It is well known that women tend to spend more time in the bathroom than men, but men spend more time on the toilet than women. There are various theories for this which I’m not going to get into on this blog (you can google them for yourself and nod in agreement or have a chuckle like I did).

I recently posted what the Ultimate ‘Her’ Bathroom could incorporate so it’s only fair to put suggestions for the Ultimate ‘His’ bathroom.

When creating a ‘His’ bathroom think about using dark tile colours and angular fixtures. If you want to incorporate a free standing bath or spa, think rectangular rather than oval shaped, square above counter basins rather than round inset basins. If round is your man’s thing then choose darker vanity units or tiles to compliment them. Chrome or black tap mixers can also work well.

Men don’t necessarily need a lot of storage space for grooming products but a wall vanity unit can work well to keep the bathroom minimalistic. Extra items that can add a bit of pizazz to a ‘His’ bathroom are


  1. LED Shower head
  2. Water and Steam Proof LCD TV on the wall
  3. Steam Room ( as installed by the twins and Trixie and John on The Block)
  4.  Chrome or Black Tap mixers. (The Black tap mixers are a trend, if you want to have a classic look stick to Chrome)
  5. Stainless steel accessories



Roger Seller Via Veneto Vetro Wall basin and cabinetry unit
Roger Seller Via Veneto Vetro Wall basin and cabinetry unit
Neutral dark colours work well from Reece Bathrooms
Neutral dark colours work well from Reece Bathrooms
Uno Bath - Angular design is perfect for a 'His' Bathroom by Roger Seller
Uno Bath – Angular design is perfect for a ‘His’ Bathroom by Roger Seller





LED Square Shower Head
LED Square Shower Head


Dark tiles and wooden fixtures exude a masculine feel to this bathroom
Dark tiles and wooden fixtures exude a masculine feel to this bathroom
Aqua Steam for a Steam Room available at Roger Seller
Aqua Steam for a Steam Room available at Roger Seller


Notice I didn’t type in a urinal? That’s because they belong in public toilets and not in a ‘his’ bathroom retreat. Can you add anything to the list above?