Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Home Plumbing Page 11


all things about plumbing

I’ve been a bit absent from my blog in the last week due to feeling a bit under the weather and having issues with my email which has finally been sorted out.   It was nice actually having time off the...
As you know, I went back to work last week but little Magdalene hasn’t taken the change of routine too well. She must have sensed I was going to work today, because last night she woke up more than usual...
One of the key features of old Queenslander type homes is that they have a toilet installed at the back of the house, usually located behind or next to the kitchen. I visited such a house last week in Indooroopilly...
You may have noticed a few changes in my blog posts recently. It’s not because I’ve gone all soft or haven’t had anything to blog about when it comes to plumbing. It’s because since having my second child and...
It was late in the afternoon and dad and I were on our way home. We had finished refurbishing the bathrooms of a house that was going to be used for community purposes. All our work had been offered...
In January 2012, I decided to book a termite inspection on our home. It had been the first inspection done since my husband and I had purchased our new house (we’d been there for under 3 years). When budgets are...
I had some really good comments and questions on my recent blog post Google isn’t a plumber about what work should be done by plumbers. I recently wrote a more detailed blog post about When can you do your...
The internet makes getting information so much easier these days. Its great for answering questions straight away, but sometimes the answers that come up aren’t necessarily correct. For example, when I was pregnant I would search Dr Google for any...
The recent scare of Legionnaires Disease at the Wesley Hospital in Brisbane has lead to the questioning of tempering water on storage hot water units. Hot water units in QLD require a tempering valve to control the water temperature...
If there is one thing that I want my blog to do, it would be to leave a legacy. I hope my daughters will be interested in reading about their mother’s experiences working in a non-traditional role. I’m sure...
The right question to ask though is, 'Do you know of a plumber that charges a fair price and does a good job?'   No one likes to get ripped off. I know that I don’t when it comes to organizing...
When I was younger and on school holidays, Dad would take me with him to work for the day. It would be the highlight of my school holidays because I got to spend time with my dad and be...
I recently came across a blog post on Twitter from another plumber in relation to the use of store bought Drain Cleaners in the home to clear away blocked drains. He advised not to use them as they were...
Is it me or has this year flown really fast? I can’t believe that next week is May! May?! Didn’t we just start a new year? Time flies when you’re having fun, and fun is what I have been...
When you become a mother, your attention and desires have a gravitational shift towards the newborn in your arms. Motherhood is one of the best things that has happened to me. Since becoming a mother, I have become a...
What can a female plumber learn from Margaret Thatcher? With the recent passing of Margaret Thatcher, I was reminded of the time I viewed the movie ‘The Iron Lady’ with Meryl Streep. I found the movie to be incredibly inspiring...
I have just unblocked our toilet because my toddler unwove a new toilet paper roll and tried to flush it down the toilet. Just as well her mum is a plumber and had a plunger on hand to fix the...
Today is World Plumbing Day.  It seems like we a have a ‘day’ for everything these days (sorry, pardon the pun!) which is another excuse to throw on a function and celebrate the world of… whatever and today it’s...
Have you ever called a plumber only to find that they are unable to fix a problem for you and you have been caught out paying a call out fee?   Some plumbers charge a call out fee if this occurs...
Applying silicone on any job can be a nightmare, especially if it needs to be applied in a hard-to-reach area. Truth be told, I hate silicone. Can’t stand the smell and if you’re not used to applying it, you...
Dad and I have been in the swing of work since Boxing Day last year which is much earlier than we anticipated going back because as you know, my dad had a hip replacement operation 7 weeks ago and...
Last week, dad and I had one of those days where a job that should have been fairly simple, became hard and laboursome and it was because the client supplied their own new toilet suites.   It may sound tempting to...