New things in the pipeline


It’s been a big week in The Plumbette Household.

A week of first experiences and unexpected issues; new things in the pipeline.

Our week started with the glorious long weekend where we got to spend quality time together as a family… at home. We rearranged our outdoor area. The mess outside was making me cross every time I took the girls outside to play. And when we were inside, my eyes would always get drawn to the chaos outside.

From this
From this


To this
To this

We received an unexpected bill and letter from Energex stating our electricity had been changed over to another energy retailer and as a result the tariff we received for our solar power had been cancelled. The letters had been delivered into our post box on the weekend which was strange but the paperwork was legit. I’m still sorting out the issue which will make for a great blog post because apparently it’s not an uncommon occurence.

Esther started her first day of Kindy on Tuesday and we were all excited for her. We got to Kindy ten minutes early and had to wait in the car for the door to open. When it was time to head in, it was chaotic with kids learning where to put their bag and morning tea. We let Magdalene loose because she was itching to check out all the wonderful activities that had been set up. It was a challenge getting her back into the pram to come home.

Esther ready for her first day at Kindy
Esther ready for her first day at Kindy


Learning where to put her morning tea
Learning where to put her morning tea


Magdalene didn't want to miss out
Magdalene didn’t want to miss out


Exploring the playground
Exploring the playground

When we got home I turned on the TV as a distraction so I could feed Phoebe and when the music played for Playschool , Magdalene called out ‘Esther, Esther Pwayschoooooool.’

There was no answer. She got up from her chair to check for Esther in her bedroom and then came back and put her finger to her mouth and told me ‘shhhhh. Esther sleep’. THAT brought tears to my eyes because I didn’t think about how much she would miss her older sister.

The moment I arrived to pick Esther up from Kindy she asked me ‘So mum, can I go to school now?’

Amongst the new routine and going about of normal life, I put up this post which was shared and re-shared and has had over 6000 views. The response was phenomenal and I didn’t expect it to resonate with so many people.

To clear the confusion, I did NOT have that rude lady in my home. It was an analogy. The post came to me when I saw atrocious comments on an article Kidspot shared written by one of my blogging friends. And then I saw a video from a styling blogger who had been attacked from a reader about being a poor role model because of her body shape.

SO much effort is put into a blog. The reasons are far and wide why a blogger decides to write a blog, but the undercurrent of every blog is a heart that wants to HELP and INSPIRE people. And yet the screen and keyboard become both a shield and an arrow.

The moment negative words are typed and sent, you are sowing hate into your heart and the more you continue to water that seed of hate, the more negative your life continues to spiral.

But none of us want to see you or ourselves live a crap life. Life is hard enough already and who wants a crappy life?

Anyway, thank you for reading my post and for sharing it and for leaving insightful comments. I still need to reply to a few.

It’s now Thursday and the week has passed by so fast. It will be Easter before we know it!

How has your week been? What is one good thing that has happened to you this week? Have you got anything new in the pipeline?